Publikationen K1-MET GmbH


Rieger, J., Baumberger, B., Meier, H., Bornmann, U., Diermayr, M., Kieberger, N., Buergler, T., Projekt MissingLink - Symbiose zwischen der Kunststoff- und der Stahlindustrie zur Optimierung des Kunststoffrecyclings, Stahl und Eisen 09/2024, pp. 16-18. Open access article download.

Kieush, L., Lesiak, S., Rieger, J., Leitner, M., Schmidt, L., Daghagheleh, O., Reoxidation Behavior of the Direct Reduced Iron and Hot Briquetted Iron during Handling and Their Integration into Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking: A Review, Metals (2024), 14, 873. Open access article download

Ogris, D. M., Michelic, S., Gamsjäger, E., Dissolution of oxide particles in multi-component slags governed by diffusive and convective fluxes, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B.

Felkl, L., Stelter, M., Charitos, A., Reduction of anode furnace slag from secondary copper production with different metallic reducing agents, World of Metallurgy - ERZMETALL 77 (1), 12 pages. Open access article download

Bernhard, C., Gaiser, G., Bernhard, M., Winkler, J., Kern, M., Presoly, P, Y.-B. Kang, On the role of tramp elements for surface defect formation in continuous casting of steel, Steel Research International, online article available. Open access article download

Mitas, B., Schenk, J., Oxygen distribution at the hot spot in BOF steelmaking, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, online article available. Open access article download

Früholz, R., Sasiain Conde, A., Habermaier, C., Spiess, S., Birklbauer, L., Wallner, M., Haberbauer, M., Zinc removal from metallurgical dusts with iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, Frontiers in Microbiology 14, paper no. 1238853. Open access article download

Halwax, A., Sergeev, D., Müller, M, Schenk, J., Enthalpy of formation of Calcium and Magnesium oxide Obtained by Knudsen Effusion Mass Spectrometry, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, online article available. Open access article download

Springer, H., Souza Filho, I.R., Choisez, L. , Zarl, M.A., Quick, C., Horn, A., Schenk, J., Iron ore wires as consumable electrodes for the hydrogen plasma smelting reduction in future green steel production, Sustainable Materials and Technologies 39, paper no. e00785. Open access article download

Pauna, H., Ernst, D., Zarl, M., Souza Fulho, I. R., Kulse, M., Büyükuslu, Ö, Jovicevic-Klug, M., Springer, H., Huttula, M., Schenk, J., Fabritius, T., Raabe, D., The optical spectra of hydrogen plasma smelting reduction of iron ore: application and requirements, Steel Research International, online article available. Open access article download

Hoffelner, F., Zarl, M. A., Schenk, J., Development of a new laboratory-scale reduction facility for the hydrogen plasma smelting reduction of iron ore based on a multi-electrode arc furnace concept, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1309, paper no. 012012. Open access article download

Daghagheleh, O., Schenk, J., Zheng, H., Zarl, M. A., Farkas, M., Ernst, A., Kieush, L., Lehner, M., Kostoglou, N., Obenaus-Emler, R., Optimizing methane plasma pyrolysis for instant hydrogen and high-quality carbon production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 79, pp. 1406–1417. Open access article download

Swaminathan, S., Spijker, C., Raonic, Z., Koller, M., Kofler, I., Raupenstrauch, H., Numerical study of an industrial burner to optimise NOX emissions and to evaluate the feasibility of hydrogen-enriched fuel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 49 Part C, pp. 1210-1220.

Zhang, X., Michelic, S., Pirker, S., Saeedipour, M., Detachment of a soluble particle at the slag-argon interface: CFD study and experimental observations, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 55(3), pp. 1442-1451. Open access article download

Vollmann, S., Guarco, J., Burhanuddin, Experimental, analytical, and numerical quantification of the Marangoni effect in static refractory finger test, Ceramics International, online article available. Open access article download

Lichtenegger, T., Pirker, S., Fast long-term simulations of hot, reacting, moving particle beds with a melting zone, Chemical Engineering Science 283, paper no. 119402. Open access article download

Klopf, M., Hou, A., Jin, S., Gruber, D., Steel ladle slag zone lining optimization considering irreversible material behavior, Steel Research International 95(7), paper no. 2300557. Open access article download



Barati, H., Wu, M., Ilie, S., Kharicha, A., Ludwig, A., Numerical modeling of clog fragmentation during SEN clogging in steel continuous casting, Powder Technology 434, paper no. 119307.

Sharifi, S. S., Buzolin, R. H., Bakhtiari, S., Gontijo, M., Sommitsch, C., Poletti, M. C., Modeling the hot deformation behavior of micro-alloyed steel in the single and two-phase fields, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2635, paper no. 012029. Open access article download

Gruber, N., Liquefaction controlling components and their effect on carbon-free mold powders, Metallurgical and Material Transactions B 54 (6), pp. 3092-3100. Open access article download

Kieush, L., Schenk, J., Koveria, A., Hrubiak, A., Biocoke thermochemical properties for foamy slag formations in electric arc furnace steelmaking, Metals 14 (1), paper no. 13. Open access article download

Riedler, S., Gruber, N., Marschalli, I., Ilie, S., Klösch, G., Untersuchung der Performance eines fluorfreien Gießpulvers auf einer Pilotanlage, BHM Berg- und Huettenmaennische Monatshefte 168 (11), pp. 515-520. Open access article download

Gruber, N., Effect of carbon on the melting behavior of a mold powder under high heating rates, BHM Berg- und Huettenmaennische Monatshefte 168 (11), pp. 521-526. Open access article download

Taferner, M., Laschinger, J., Bernhard, C., Bernhard, M., Ilie, S., Effect of nozzle parameters on the cooling conditions in the secondary cooling zone of a slab caster, BHM Berg- und Huettenmaennische Monatshefte 168 (11), pp. 536-542. Open access article download

Gaiser, G., Krobath, R., Presoly, P., Bernhard, C., The influence of intergranular oxidation on surface crack formation in continuous casting of steel, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 26, pp. 9276-9288. Open access article download

Spieß, S., Kucera, J., Vaculovic, T., Birklbauer, L., Habermaier, C., Sasiain Conde, A., Mandl, M., Haberbauer, M., Zinc recovery from bioleachate using a microbial electrolysis cell and comparison with selective precipitation, Frontiers in Microbiology 14. Open access article download

Wiszniewski, L., Gatschlhofer, C., Krammer, A., Hochsteiner, T., Holzer, A., Raupenstrauch, H., Influences of Pre-treatment Steps and Contaminants in a Pyrometallurgical Recycling Process for NCA (LiNi0.8Co0.15Al0.05O2) Lithium-Ion Battery Material, Copper Cobalt Africa 2023, incorporating the 10 th Southern African Base Metals Conference (CuCo2023), Livingstone, Zambia. Open access article download

Rutrecht, B., Rieger, J., Nigl, T., COMET Module FuLIBatteR – Auf der Suche nach der besten Lösung für das Recycling von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien der Zukunft, Berg- und Huettenmaennische Monatshefte (BHM), pp. 353-358. Open access article download

Bösenhofer, M., Analysis and evaluation of steady-state and non-steady-state preserving operator splitting schemes for reaction-diffusion(-advection) problems, Combustion and Flame 255, paper no. 112881. Open access article download

Cheremisina, E., Kovtun, O., Yeherov, A., Volkova, O., Schenk, J., Properties of liquid CaO-SiO2 and CaO-SiO2-‘Fe2O3tot slags measured by a combination of maximum bubble pressure and rotating bob methods, Ceramics International 49 (18), pp. 30104-30113.

Reiter, W., Rieger, J., Raupenstrauch, H., Cattini, L., Maystrenko, N., Kovalev, D., Alekseyev, A., Mitrofanov, A., Recovery of valuable materials with the RecoDust process, Metals 13 (7), paper no. 1191. Open access article download

Sasiain, A., Thallner, S., Habermaier, C., Spiess, S., Birklbauer, L., Wallner, M., Haberbauer, M., Bioleaching of zinc from blast furnace cast house dust, Minerals 13 (8), paper no. 1007. Open access article download

Mitas, B., Visuri, V.-V., Schenk, J., Modelling the residence time of metal droplets in slag during BOF steelmaking, Metallurgical and Material Transactions B 54, pp. 1938-1953. Open access article download.

Kiss, M., Bösenhofer, M., Hauzenberger, F., Stocker, H., Feilmayr, C., Harasek, M., Investigation of the thermally thick alternative reducing agent behavior in the raceway zone, AISTech 2023 - Proceedings of the Iron & Steel Technology Conference. Open access article download

Nanz, T., Bösenhofer, M., Rieger, J., Feilmayr, C., Hauzenberger, F., Stocker, H., Harasek, M., A novel test rig for the evaluation of auxiliary reducing agents (ARAs), AISTech 2023 - Proceedings of the Iron & Steel Technology Conference. Open access article download

Bösenhofer, M., Hauzenberger, F., Stocker H., Feilmayr, Harasek, M., An Eulerian-based reduction model for iron ore particle reduction, AISTech 2023 - Proceedings of the Iron & Steel Technology Conference. Open access article download

Pfeiffer, A., Ernst, D., Zheng, H., Wimmer, G., Schenk, J., The behavior of direct reduced iron in the electric arc furnace hotspot, Metals 13(5), paper no. 978. Open access article download

Klopf, M., Gruber, D., Determination of cohesion and friction angle of a MgO-C refractory at room and elevated temperatures, Open Ceramics 14, paper no. 100369. Open access article download

Ogris, D., Gamsjäger, E., Kircher, V., Cyclic partial phase transformations of oxide particles in CaO-SiO2 slags, Metallurgical and Material Transactions B 54, pp. 1555-1564. Open access article download

Andreotti, M., Brondi, C., Micillo, D., Zevenhoven, R., Rieger, J., Jo, A., Hettinger A.-L., Bollen, J., Malfa, E., Trevisan, C., Peters, K., Snaet, D., Ballarino, A., SDGs in the EU steel sector: a critical review of sustainability initiatives and approaches, Sustainability 15 (9), paper no. 7521. Open access article download

Spijker, C. ,Pollhammer, W., Raupenstrauch, H., CFD-DEM modeling of shaft furnaces using the volume fraction smoother approach, Chemical Engineering & Technology 46 (7), pp. 1333-1339. Open access article download

Maurer, W., Justl, M., Keuschnigg, R., Improving hydrogen refueling stations to achieve minimum refueling costs for small bus fleets, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (77), pp. 29821-29834.

Kronlachner, T., Pirker, S., Lichtenegger, T., Block-movement-based calibration of a discrete element model for fine, cohesive powders, Powder Technology 421, paper no. 118411.

Esgnadari, B., Rauchenzauner, S., Goniva, C., Kieckhefen, P, Schneiderbauer, S., A comprehensive comparison of two-fluid model, discrete element method and experiments for the simulation of the single- and multiple-spout fluid beds, Chemical Engineering Science 267, paper no.118357.

Zhang, X., Pirker, S., Saeedipour, M., Investigation of inclusion removal at steel-slag interface toward a small-scale criterion for particle separation, Steel Research International 94 (7), paper no. 202200842. Open access article download

Barati, H., Wu, M., Kharicha, A., Ludwig, A., Transient simulation of melt flow, clogging, and clog frag-mentation inside SEN during steel continuous casting, IOP Conference Series Material Science Enginnering 1281, paper 012025, 2023. Open access article download

Saeedipour, M., An enstrophy-based analysis of the turbulence-interface interactions across the scales, International Journal of Multiphase Flows 164, paper no. 104449. Open access article download

Dimitrijevic, D., Bösenhofer, M., Harasek, M., Liquid-liquid phase separation of two non-dissolving liquids - a mini review, Processes 11 (4), paper no. 1145. Open access article download

Ernst, D., Zarl, M., Farkas, M., Schenk, J., Effects of the electrodes shape and graphite quality on the arc stability during hydrogen plasma smelting reduction of iron ores, Steel Research International 94 (7), paper no. 202200818. Open access article download

Ernst, D., Manzoor, U., Souza Filho, I. R., Zarl, M. A., Schenk, J., Impact of iron ore pre-reduction degree on the hydrogen slasma smelting reduction process, Metals 13 (3), paper no. 558. Open access article download

Zheng, H., Schenk, J., Daghagheleh, O., Taferner, B., Parameter optimization for hydrogen-induced fluidized bed reduction of magnetite iron ore fines, Metals 13 (2), paper no. 339. Open access article download

Pfeiffer, A., Wimmer, G. Schenk, J., Investigations on the interaction behavior between direct reduced iron and various melts, Materials 15 (16), paper no. 5691. Open access article download

Cheremisina, E., Zhang, Z., Bilbao, E., Schenk, J., Density, viscosity and surface tension of CaO-SiO2 and CaO-SiO2-Fe2O3 slags measured by Aerodynamic levitation – the behavior of Fe3+ in high-silicate melts, Ceramics International 49 (3), pp. 4460-4472.

Zhang, X., Pirker, S., Saeedipour, M., Numerical investigation of particle motion at the steel-slag interface in continuous casting using VOF method and dynamic overset grids, Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow 5 (2), pp. 178-191. Open access article download

Wartha, E.-M., Haugen, N.E., Karchniwy, E., Bösenhofer, M., Harasek, M., Løvås, T., The effect of turbulence on the conversion of coal under blast furnace raceway conditions, Fuel 331 (Part 2), paper no. 123382. Open access article download



Gruber C., Bückner B., Schatzl M., Thumfart M., Eßbichl R., Rössler R., Big data handling in process surveillance and quality control of secondary metallurgical processes, Steel Research International 93 (12), paper no. 2200060. Open access article download

Thumfart M., Hackl G., Fellner W., Water model experiments on the influence of phase distribution in the submerged entry nozzle considering varying operating conditions, Steel Research International 93 (12), paper no. 2100824. Open access article download

Guarco, J., Vollmann, S., Harmuth, H., Burhanuddin, B., Method for inverse calculation of erosion parameters in slag-refractory systems, Materials Today Communications 33, paper no. 104376. Open access article download

Pauna, H., Ernst, D., Zarl, M. Aula, M., Schenk, J., Huttula, M., Fabritius, T., Hydrogen plasma smelting reduction process monitoring with optical emission spectroscopy – establishing the basis for the method, Journal of Cleaner Production 372, paper no. 133755. Open access article download

Schneider, R., Wiesinger, V., Gelder, S., Reiter, G., Effect of the slag composition on the process behavior, energy consumption and nonmetallic inclusions during electro-slag-remelting, Steel Research International 94 (4), paper no. 2200483. Open access article download

Dworak, S., Fellner, J., Beermann, M., Häuselmann, M., Schenk, J., Michelic, S., Cejka, J., Sakic, A., Mayer, J., Steininger, K., Stahlrecycling – Potenziale und Herausforderungen für innovatives und nachhaltiges Recycling, Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft 75 (1), pp. 97-107. Open-access article download

Kieush, L., Rieger, J., Schenk, J., Brondi, C., Rovelli, D., Echterhof, T., Cirilli, F., Thaler, C., Jaeger, N., Snaet, D., Peters, K., Colla, V., A comprehensive review of secondary carbon bio-carriers for application in metallurgical processes: utilization of torrefied biomass in steel production, Metals 12 (11), paper no. 2005. Open access article download

Gontijo, M., Chakraborty, A., Webster, R. F., Ilie, S., Six, J., Sommitsch, C., Primig, S., Thermomechanical and microstructure analysis of the influence of B- and Ti-content on the hot ductility behavior of microalloyed steels, Metals 12 (11), paper no. 1808. Open access article download

Hou, A., Gruber, D., Jin, S., Multiple-response optimization of the thermal and thermomechanical behavior of the steel ladle lining using GRA and TOPSIS, Steel Research International 11, paper no. 220407. Open access article download

Mitas, B., Visuri, V.-V., Schenk, J., Mathematical modeling of the ejected droplet size distribution in the vicinity of a gas-liquid impingement zone, Metallurgical and Material Transactions B 53 (5), pp. 3084-3092. Open access article download

Soleimani, S., Lehner, M., Tri-reforming of methane: thermodynamics, operating conditions, reactor technology and efficiency evaluation – a review, Energies 15 (19), paper no. 7159. Open access article download

Cheremisina, E., Lesiak, S., Rieger, J., Schenk, J., Firsbach, F., Johnson, W., Chopin, T., Nispel, M., Assessment of the dissolution rate and behaviour of raw dolomite and limestone with different calcination degrees in primary steelmaking slags, Ironmaking & Steelmaking 50 (4), pp. 379-391.

Spieß, S., Sasiain Conde, A., Kucera, J., Novak, D., Thallner, S., Kieberger, N., Guebitz, G. M., Haberbauer, M., Bioelectrochemical methanation by utilization of steel mill off-gas in a two-chamber microbial electrolysis cell, Frontiers in Bioenergy and Biotechnology 10, paper no. 972653. Open access article download

Aziaba, K., Jordan, C., Haddadi, B., Harasek, M., Design of a gas permeation and pervaporation membrane model for an open source process simulation tool, MDPI Membranes 12 (12), paper no. 1186. Open access article download

Aziaba, K., Weiss, B. D., Illyes, V., Jordan, C., Haider, M., Harasek, M., High purity hydrogen from liquid NH3 - proposal and evaluation of a process chain, Chemical Engineering Transactions 96, pp. 169-174. Open access article download

Lesiak, S., Cheremisina, E., Rieger, J., Schenk, J., Firsbach, F., Johnson, W., Chopin, T., Nispel, M., Calcination condition of dolomite-based materials influencing static dissolution in synthetic Electric Arc Furnace slag, Steel Research International 93 (5), paper no. 2100675.

Kremser, K., Thallner, S., Spieß, S., Kucera, K., Vaculovic, T., Všianský, D., Haberbauer, M., Guebitz, G. M., Bioleaching and selective precipitation for metal recovery from Basic Oxygen Furnace slag, Processes 10 (3), paper no. 576. Open access article download

Ogris, D. M., Gamsjaeger, E., Numerical treatment of oxide particle dissolution in multicomponent slags, Steel Research International 93 (8), paper no. 2200056. Open access article download

Cappel, J., Ahrenhold, F., Egger, M. W., Hiebler, H., Schenk, J., 70 years LD steelmaking – quo vadis?, Metals 12, paper no 912. Open access article download

Gontijo, M., Hoflehner, C., Ilie, S., Six, J., Sommitsch, C., Analysis of transverse corner cracks from continuous casting process and comparison to laboratory experiments, European Journal of Materials 2(1), pp. 222-233. Open access article download

Krobath, R., Bernhard, C., Quantification of critical parameters for prediction of surface crack formation in continuous casting, La Metallurgia Italiana 113(4), pp. 20-38.

Marschall, I., Harmuth, H., Kircher, V., Significance of an inclined plane test for mould slag assessment, La Metallurgia Italiana 113(1), pp.14-22.

Vargas Hernandez, M., Mapelli, C., Cho, J., Kölbl, N., Marschall, I., Alloni, M., Carli, R., Neuromelt model for estimating mold flux melting behaviour, La Metallurgia Italiana 113(1), pp.23-31.

Kölbl, N., Melting rate determination of mold powders: continous casting process versus laboratory conditions, Frontiers in Materials 9, paper no. 881168. Open access article download

Schneider, R., Wiesinger, V., Gelder, S., Mitchell, A., David, D., Effect of different remelting parameters on slag temperature and energy consumption during ESR, ISIJ International 62(6), pp. 1199-1210. Open access article download

Zarl, M. A., Ernst, D., Cejka, J., Schenk, J., A new methodological approach on the characterization of optimal charging rates at the hydrogen plasma smelting reduction process part 1: Method, Materials 15(14), paper no. 4767. Open access article download

Ernst, D., Zarl, M. A., Cejka, J., Schenk, J., A new methodological approach on the characterization of optimal charging rates at the hydrogen plasma smelting reduction process part 2: Results, Materials 15(12), paper no. 4065. Open access article download

Niel, J., Weiss, B., Wukovits, W., Model of an iron ore sinter plant with selective waste gas recirculation, Carbon Resources and Conversion 5(1), pp. 71-83. Open access article download

Maurer, W., Rechberger, P., Justl, M., Keuschnigg, R., Parameter study for dimensioning of a PV optimized hydrogen supply plant, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47 (97), pp. 40815-40825.

Wolfinger, T., Spreitzer, D., Schenk, J., Analysis of the usability of iron ore fltra-fines for the hydrogen-based fluidized bed direct reduction – a review, Materials 15, paper no. 2687. Open access article download

Wolfinger, T., Spreitzer, D., Zheng, H., Schenk, J., Influence of a prior oxidation on the reduction behavior of magnetite iron ore ultra-fines using hydrogen, Metallurgical and Material Transactions B 53(1), pp. 14-28. Open access article download

Zheng, H., Schenk, J., Xu, R., Daghagheleh, O., Spreitzer, D., Wolfinger, T., Kapelyushin, Y., Surface morphology and structural evolution of magnetite-based iron ore fines during the oxidation, Metallurgical and Material Transactions B 53(3), pp. 1644-1660. Open access article download

Wolfinger, T., Spreitzer, D., Schenk, J., Using iron ore ultra-fines for hydrogen-based fluidized bed direct reduction – a mathematical evaluation, Materials 15(11), paper no. 3943. Open access article download

Zheng, H., Daghagheleh, O., Wolfinger, T., Taferner, B., Schenk, J., Xu, R., Fluidization behavior and reduction kinetics of pre-oxidized magnetite-based iron ore in a hydrogen-induced fluidized bed, International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials 29 (10), pp. 1873-1881. Open access article download

Puttinger, S., Saeedipour, M., Time-resolved PIV measurements of a deflected submerged jet interacting with liquid-gas and liquid-liquid interfaces, Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow 4(2), pp. 175-189. Open access article download

Michelic, S., Bernhard, C., Signifcance of non-metallic inclusions for the clogging phenomenon in continuous casting of steels – a review, Steel Research International 93 (7), paper no. 2200086. Open access article download

Javurek, M., Brummayer, M., Wincor, R., Turbulent flow measurements in continuous steel casting mold water model, Materials Today: Proceedings 62, Part 5, pp. 2581-2586. Open access article download

Saeedipour, M., Pirker, S., Analysis of hysteresis in the regime transition of cocurrent liquid-gas flow, Steel Research International 93 (12), paper no. 2100800. Open access article download

Saeedipour, M., Schneiderbauer, S., Toward a universal description of multiphase turbulence phenomena based on the vorticity transport equation, Physics of Fluids 34, paper no. 073317.

Bösenhofer, M., Pichler, M., Harasek, M., Heat transfer models for dense pulverized particle jets, Processes 10(2), paper no. 238. Open access article download

Schneiderbauer, S., Saeedipour, M., The impact of interphase forces on the modulation of turbulence in multiphase flows, Acta Mechanica Sinica 38, paper no. 721446

Pichler, M., Bösenhofer, M., Harasek, M., Dataset for the heat-up and heat transfer towards single particles and synthetic particle clusters from particle-resolved CFD simulations, Data 7(2), paper no. 23. Open access article download

Kronlachner, T., Pirker, S., Lichtenegger, T., A block-movement-based analysis for cohesive powders in a rotating drum experiment, Powder Technology 399, paper no. 117209. Open access article download

Dabaagh, F., Schneiderbauer, Anisotropy characterization of turbulent fluidization, Physical Review Fluids 7(9), paper no. 094301.

Rauchenzauner, S., Schneiderbauer, S., Validation study of a spatially-averaged two-fluid model for heat transport in gas-particle flows, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 198, paper no. 123382. Open access article download

Lichtenegger, T., Abbasi, S., Pirker, S., Transport in turbulent, recurrent flows: Time-extrapolation and statistical symmetrization, Chemical Engineering Science 259, paper no. 117795. Open access article download



Holzinger, G., Schatzl, M., Effect of chute start angle and hopper change on burden distribution during the charging process of a bell-less top blast furnace with two parallel hoppers, Powder Technology 395, pp. 669-680.

Sasiain Conde, A., Rechberger, K., Spanlang, A., Wolfmeir, H., Harris, C., Decarbonization of the steel industry: a techno-economic analysis, Matériaux et Techniques 109 (3-4), paper no. 305. Open access article download

Barati, H., Wu, M., Michelic, S., Ilie, S., Kharicha, A., Ludwig, A., Kang, Y.-B., Mathematical modelling of the early stage of clogging of the SEN during continuous casting of Ti-ULC steel, Metallurgical and Material Transactions B 52, pp. 4167-4178. Open access article download

You, D., Bernhard, C., Mayer, P., Fasching, J., Klösch, G., Rössler, R., Ammer, R., Influence of slag viscosity and composition on the inclusion content in steel, ISIJ International 61 (12), pp. 2991-2997. Open access article download 

Ogris, D. M., Gamsjäger, E., Heat capacities and standard entropies and enthalpies of some compounds essential for steelmaking and refractory design approximated by Einstein-Debye integrals, Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry (CALPHAD) 75, paper no. 102345. Open access article download

Lohmeier, L., Thaler, C., Harris, C., Wollenberg, R., Schröder, H.-W., Braueuer, A. S., Use of bentonite and organic binders in the briquetting of particulate residues from the Midrex process for improving the thermal stability and reducibility of the briquettes, Steel Research International 92 (11), paper no. 2100210. Open access article download

Zheng, H., Spreitzer, D., Wolfinger, T., Schenk, J., Xu, R., Effect of prior oxidation on the reduction behavior of magnetite-based iron ore during hydrogen-induced fluidized bed reduction, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 52 (4), pp. 1955-1971. Open access article download

Cheremisina, E., Schenk, J., Viertauer, A., Nilica, R, Rössler, R., Evaluation of dissolution rate and behavior of MgO carriers for primary and secondary metallurgical slags, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 52, pp. 2939-2950

Gontijo, M., Hoflehner, C., Ilie, S., Six, J., Sommitsch, C., Comparison of hot ductility behavior of low alloy steels with different B-, Cr-, Ni-, Ti-content, Proceedings 30th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials (METALS), pp. 385-390. Open access article download

Kölbl, N., New mold slag compositions for the continuous casting of soft steels, Steel Research International 93, paper no. 2100165. Open access article download

Marschall, I., Harmuth, H., Investigation of calcium-aluminate-based mold flux of different compositions, Steel Research International 93, paper no. 2100187. Open access article download

Dabbagh, F., Pirker, S., Schneiderbauer, S., A fast modeling of chemical reactions in industrial-scale olefin polymerization fluidized beds using recurrence CFD, AIChE Journal 67 (5), paper no. e17161

Schneiderbauer, S., Saeedipour, M., Sub-grid deconvolution approach for filtered two-fluid models and the application to fluidized gas-particle suspensions, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 149, pp. 183-188

Dabbagh, F., Lichtenegger, T., Pirker, S., Schneiderbauer, S., Disclosing recurrence properties in fluidized beds, Physical Review Fluids 6, paper no. 044310

Kanjilal, S., Schneiderbauer, S., A revised coarse-graining approach for simulation of highly poly-disperse granular flows, Powder Technology 385, pp. 517-527

Rieger, J., Colla, V., Matino, I., Branca, T. A. et al., Residue valorization in the iron and steel industries: sustainable solutions for a cleaner and more competitive future Europe, Metals 11 (8), paper no 1202. Open access article download

Cheremisina, E., Gao, X., Ueda, S., Kitamura, S., Yamashina, R., Schenk, J., Experimental determination of the MnO activity coefficient in high-manganese slags using the chemical equilibrium method, Metals 11 (8), paper no 1190. Open access article download

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Gontijo, M., Hoflehner, C., Estermann, P., Ilie, S., Six, J., Sommitsch, C., Effect of strain rate on the hot ductility behavior of a continuosly cast Ti-Nb microalloyed steel, Steel Research International 91 (12), paper no. 2000222. Open access article download

Bernhard, C., Krobath, R., Quantification of critical parameters for prediction of surface crack formation in continuous casting, Steel Research International 91 (12), paper no. 2000234. Open access article download

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Schneider, R., Molnar, M., Klösch, G., Schueller, C., Fasching, J., Effect of the Al2O3 content in the slag on the remelting behavior of a bearing steel, Steel Research International 91 (12), paper no. 2000241. Open access article download

Rechberger, K., Spanlang, A., Sasiain Conde, A., Wolfmeir, H., Harris, C., Green hydrogen-based direct reduction for low carbon steelmaking, Steel Research International 91 (11), paper no. 2000110. Open access article download

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Zarl, M. A., Farkas, M. A., Schenk, J., A study on the stability of arc plasma in the HPSR process, Metals 10, paper no. 1394. Open access article download

Barati, H., Wu, M., Kharicha, A., Ludwig, A., Role of solidification in SEN clogging during continuous casting of steel, Steel Research International 91 (12), paper no. 2000230. Open access article download

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Dabbagh, F., Pirker, S., Schneiderbauer, S., On the fast modelling of species transport in fluidized beds using recurrence CFD, AIChE Journal 66 (5), paper no. E16931. Open access article download

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Schneiderbauer, S., Verification and validation of spatially-averaged models for fluidized gas-particle suspensions, Chemical Engineering and Technology 43 (5), pp. 848-858. Open access article download

Rauchenzauner, S., Schneiderbauer, S., A dynamic anisotropic spatially-averaged two-fluid model for moderately dense particle-gas flow, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 126, paper no. 103237.

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Lichtenegger, T., Pirker, S., Towards data-assisted particle-fluid simulations of heat transfer in blast furnaces, Steel Research International 91 (12), paper no. 2000132. Open access article download

Puttinger, S., Stocker, H., Towards a better understanding of blast furnace raceway blockages, Steel Research International 91 (12), paper no. 2000227. Open access article download

Kinaci, M. E., Lichtenegger, T., A CFD-DEM model for the simulation of direct reduction of iron ore in fluidized beds, Chemical Engineering Science 228, paper no. 115858

Rauchenzauner, S., Schneiderbauer, S., A dynamic spatially-averaged two-fluid model for heat transfer in moderately dense particle-gas flow, Physics of Fluids 32, paper no. 063307.

Schneiderbauer, S., Kinaci M. E., Hauzenberger, F., Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation of iron ore reduction in industrial-scale fluidized beds, Steel Research International 91 (12), paper no. 2000232. Open access article download

Bösenhofer, M., Hecht, E., Shaddix, C. R., König, B., Rieger, J., Harasek, M., Computational fluid dynamics analysis of char conversion in Sandia's pressurized entrained flow reactor, Review of Scientific Instruments 91 (7), paper no. 074103

Abbasi, S., Pirker, S., Lichtenegger, T., Applicaton of recurrence CFD (rCFD) to species transport in turbulent vortex shredding, Computers and Fluids 196, paper no. 104348. Open access article download

Böhm, A., Mayer, M., Ressel, G., The 3rd level – Entwicklung der Feinstzerkleinerung und Ausbau der Flotation am Lehrstuhl für Aufbereitung und Veredlung, Berg- und Huettenmaennische Monatshefte (BHM) 165 (10), pp. 505-512. Open access article download

Holzer, A., Mally, V., Ponak, C., Windisch, S., Raupenstrauch, H., Technologien zur Nutzung von Wertstoff- und Energiepotentialen in LD-Konverterschlacken, Berg- und Huettenmaennische Monatshefte (BHM) 165 (7), pp. 302-307.

Reiter, W., Lasser, M., Rieger, J., Thaler, C., Raupenstrauch, H., Der RecoDust-Prozess – Behandlung von zinkhaltigen Stahlwerksstäuben und weiteren Nebenprodukten aus integrierten Hüttenwerken, Berg- und Huettenmaennische Monatshefte (BHM) 165 (7), 297-301.

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Draxler, M., Schenk, J., Buergler, T., Sormann, A., The steel industry in the European Union on the crossroad to carbon lean production – status, initiatives and challenges, Berg- und Huettenmaennische Monatshefte (BHM) 165 (5), pp. 221-226. Open access article download

Rieger, J., Schenk, J., State-of-the-art processing solutions of steelmaking residuals, Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte (BHM) 165 (5), pp. 227-231

Sasiain, A., Rechberger, K., Spanlang, A., Kofler, I., Wolfmeir, H., Harris, C., Buergler, T., Green hydrogen as decarbonization element for the steel industry, Berg- und Huettemnännische Monatshefte (BHM) 165 (5), pp. 232-236

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Spanlang, A., Wukovits, W., Weiss, B., Development of a blast furnace model with thermodynamic process depiction by means of the Rist operating diagram, Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte (BHM) 165 (5), pp. 243-247 Open access article download. Download of the article erratum

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Ponak, C., Windisch, S., Breuer, F., Holzer, A., Mally, V., Lasser, M., Raupenstrauch, H., Vermeidung von Calciumsilikatzerfall und Förderung der Glasbildung bei der vollständigen Reduktion von Konverterschlacken, Stahl und Eisen 139 (11), pp. 18-23.

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Bernhard, C., Dorrer, P., Michelic, S., Rössler, R., The effect of FeTi addition to micro inclusions in the production of ULC steel grades via the RH process route, Berg- und Huettenmaennische Monatshefte (BHM) 164 (11), pp. 475-478. Open access article download

Krobath, R., Bernharc, C., Ilie, S., Six, J., Hahn, S., Pennerstorfer, P., The role of grain boundary oxidation on surface crack formation under continuous casting conditions, Berg- und Huettenmaennische Monatshefte (BHM) 164 (11), pp. 461-465. Open access article download

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Kölbl, N., Harmuth, H., Automated break temperature determination of mold slag for the continuous casting of steel based on temperature-dependent viscosity data, Ironmaking and Steelmaking 47 (8), pp. 899-902. Open access article download

Dorrer, P., Michelic, S., Bernhard, C., Penz, A., Rössler, R., Study on the influence of FeTi-addition on the inclusion population in Ti-stabilized ULC steels and its consequences for SEN-clogging, Steel Research International 90 (7), paper no. 1800653. 

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Hou, A., Jin, S., Gruber, D., Harmuth, H., Influence of variation/response space complexity and variable completeness on BP-ANN model establishment: case study of steel ladle lining, Applied Sciences 9 (14), paper no. 2835. Open access article download

Höfler, T., Danninger, H., Linder, B., Examination of oxide scales formed during hot rolling of steels, Praktische Metallographie 9 (14), pp. 449-456.

Saeedipour, M., Puttinger, S., Doppelhammer, N., Pirker, S., Investigation of turbulence in the vicinity of liquid-liquid interfaces – Large eddy simulation and PIV experiment, Chemical Engineering Science 198, pp. 98-107.

Saeedipour, M., Vincent, S., Pirker, S., Large eddy simulations of turbulent interfacial flows using approximate deconvolution model, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 112, pp. 286-299.

Lichtenegger, T., Kieckhefen, P., Heinrich, S., Pirker, S., Dynamics and long-time behavior of gas-solid flows on recurrent-transient backgrounds, Chemical Engineering Journal 365, pp. 562-577.

Pirker, S., Lichtenegger, Process control of flow-through reactor operation by real-time recurrence CFD (rCFD) simulations – Proof of concept, Chemical Engineering Science 198, pp. 241-252.

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Barati, H., Wu, M., Kharicha, A., Ludwig, A., Calculation accuracy and efficiency of a transient model for submerged entry nozzle clogging, Metallurgical and Material Transactions B 50 (3), pp. 1428-1443. Open access article download

Kölbl, N., Marschall, I., Harmuth, H., High temperature investigation of mold slag crystallization, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International 26 (4), pp. 403-411. Open access article download

Marschall, I., Kölbl, N., Harmuth, H., Atzenhofer, C., Identification of secondary raw materials in mold powders and their melting behavior, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International 26 (4), pp. 345-354. Open access article download

Hou, A., Jin, S., Harmuth, H.,  Gruber, D., Thermal and thermomechanical responses prediction of a steel ladle using back-propagation artifical neuronal network combining multiple orthogonal arrays, Steel Research International 90 (7), paper no. 1900116.

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Raupenstrauch, H., Doschek-Held, K., Rieger, J., Reiter, W., RecoDust – an efficient way of processing steel mill dusts, Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy 5 (3), pp. 310-318. Open access article download

Penz, F. M., Schenk, J., Ammer, R., Klösch, G., Pastucha, K., Reischl, M., Diffusive scrap melting in carbon-saturated hot metal – phenomenological investigation at the solid-liquid interface, Materials 12 (8), paper no. 1358 (22 pages). Open access article download

Penz, F. M., Parreiras Tavares, R., Weiss, C., Schenk, J., Pastucha, K., Ammer, R., Klösch, G., Analytical and numerical determination of the heat transfer coefficient between scrap and hot metal based on small-scale experiments, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 138, pp. 640-646.

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Holzinger, G. and Thumfart, M. , Flow Interaction in Continuous Casting Tundish Due to Bubble Curtain Operation, Steel Research International 90 (6), paper no. 1800642 (

Rieger, J., Schenk, J., Residual Processing in the European Steel Industry: A Technological Overview, Journal of  Sustainable Metallargy 5 (3), pp. 295-309.

Bösenhofer, M., Wartha, E. M., Jordan, C., Feilmayr, C., Stocker, H., Hauzenberger, F., Rieger, J., Tjaden, S., Walk, A., Harasek, M., Suitability of pulverised coal testing facilities for blast furnace applications, Ironmaking & Steelmaking 47 (5), pp. 574-585. Open access article download

Cheremisina, E., Schenk, J., Nocke, L., Paul, A., Kinetics and mechanisms of dolime dissolution in steelmaking slag, Metallurgical and Material Transactions B 50 (3), pp. 1269-1276.

Penz, F. M., Schenk, J., Ammer, R., Klösch, G., Pastucha, K., Evaluation of the influences of scrap melting and dissolution during dynamic Linz-Donawitz (LD) converter modelling, Processes 7 (4), paper 186 (15 pages). Open access article download

Lanzerstorfer, C., Preitschopf, W., Neuhold, R., Feilmayr, C., Removal of gaseous pollutants from the top-gas of a blast furnace, ISIJ International 59 (3), pp. 590-595. Open access article download

Puttinger, S., Stocker H., New strategies for raceway blockage detection. Part I: Classification of blockage events and processing framework, ISIJ International 59 (3), pp. 466-473. Open access article download

Puttinger, S., Stocker, H., New strategies for raceway blockage detection. Part II: Signal processing of hot blast pressure data, ISIJ International 59 (3), pp. 474-480. Open access article download

Puttinger, S., Stocker, H., New strategies for raceway blockage detection. Part III: Visual detection based on tuyere camera, ISIJ International 59 (3), pp. 481-488. Open access article download

Stueckelschweiger, M., Gruber, D., Harmuth, H., Creep testing of carbon containing refractories under reducing conditions, Ceramics International 45 (8), pp. 9776-9781.

Penz, F. M., Schenk, J., A review of scrap melting in molten iron-carbon melts, Steel Research International 90 (8), paper no. 1900124.

Naseri Seftejani, M., Schenk, J., Zarl, M. A., Reduction of haematite using hydrogen thermal plasma, Materials 12 (10), paper no. 1608. Open access article download


Lichtenegger, T. (2018). Local and global recurrences in dynamic gas-solid flows, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 106, pp. 125-137.

Spanlang, A., Weiss, B., Wukovits, W. (2018). Modelling of trace material flow distribution in a melter gasifier based on thermodynamic multiphase equilibrium calculations, Chemical Engineering Transactions 70, pp. 679-684. Open access article download

Spanlang, A., Weiss, B., Wukovits, W. (2018). Trace species investigations for integrated steel plants in mSIMTOP, Chemical Engineering Transactions 70, pp. 817-822. Open access article download

Pirker, S., Lichtenegger, T. (2018). Efficient time-extrapolation of single- and multiphase simulations by transport based recurrence CFD (rCFD), Chemical Engineering Science 188, pp. 65-83.

Kieckhefen, P., Lichtenegger, T., Pietsch, S., Pirker, S., Heinrich, S. (2018). Simulation of spray coating in a spouted bed using recurrence CFD, Particuology 42, pp. 92-103. Open access article download

Queteschiner, D., Lichtengger, T., Pirker, S., Schneiderbauer, S. (2018). Multi-level coarse-grain model of the DEM, Powder Technology 338, pp. 614-624.

Bösenhofer, M., Wartha, E.-M., Jordan, C., Harasek, M. (2018). The Eddy Dissipation Concept – Analysis of different fine structure treatmens for classical combustion, Energies 11 (7), 21 pages. Open access article download

Hoflehner, C., Beal, C., Sommitsch, C., Six, J., Ilie, S. (2018). Influence of thermal history on the hot ductility of a continuously cast low alloyed Cr-Mo-steel, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 27 (10), pp. 5124-5129. Open access article download

Dieguez-Salgado, U., Dorrer, P., Michelic, S. K., Bernhard, C. (2018). Experimental investigation of the system non-metallic inclusion-molten steel-refractory at high temperatures, Journal of Materials Engineering & Performance 27 (10), pp. 4983-4988

Hou, A., Jin, S., Harmuth, H. (2018). Lining concept optimization of steel ladle applying finite element thermomechanical modelling and Taguchi approaches, Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Material Society (JOM) 70 (11) , pp. 2449-2456. Open access article download

Schneider, R., Molnar, M., Gelder, S. Reiter, G., Martinez, C. (2018). Effect of the slag vomposition and a protective atmosphere on chemical reactions and non-metallic inclusions during Electro-Slag Remelting of a hot-work tool steel, Steel Research International 89 (10), paper no. 180016 (9 pages). Open access article download

Penz, F. M., Schenk, J., Ammer, R., Pastucha, K., Maunz, B. (2018). Dissolution behaviour of ULC steel in carbon saturated hot metal, La Metallurgia Italiana 11/12  pp. 36-45. Open access article download

Penz, F. M., Schenk, J., Ammer, R., Klösch, G., Pastucha, K. (2018). Dissolution of scrap in hot metal under Linz–Donawitz (LD) steelmaking conditions, Metals 8 (12)1078 (9 pages). Open access article download

Barati, H., Wu, M., Kharicha, A., Ludwig, A. (2018). A transient model for nozzle clogging, Powder Technology 329, pp. 181-198.

Edler, F., Reiter, W., Geier, B., Spijker, C., Rieger, J., Raupenstrauch, H. (2018). Das Atmosphärenpartikelkinetikmodell für Partikelreaktionen in einem direkt befeuerten Staubreaktor für den Reco-Dust Prozess, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 90 (5), pp. 679-684.

Lanzerstorfer, C., Angerbauer, A., Gaßlbauer, M. (2018). Feasibility of air classification in dust recycling in the iron and steel industry, Steel Research International 89 (7), paper no. 1800017 (6 pages). Open access article download

Lanzerstorfer, C. (2018). Electric arc furnace filter dust: Influence of organic material on the bulk density and flowability, Particulate Science and Technology 37 (6), pp. 651-655.

Kölbl, N., Harmuth, H., Marschall, I. (2018). Modified DHTT eqipment for crystallization studies of mold slags, Metallurgical and Material Transactions B, 49 B (4), pp. 1898-1908. Open access article download

Dieguez-Salgado, U., Weiß, C., Michelic, S. K., Bernhard, C. (2018). Fluid force induced detachment criteria for non-metallic inclusions adhered to a refractory / molten steel interface, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 49 (4), pp. 1632-1643.

Keplinger, T., Haider, M., Steinparzer, T., Trunner, P., Patrejko, A., Haselgrübler, M. (2018). Modelling, simulation and validation with measurements of a heat recovery hot gas cooling line for electric arc furnaces, Steel Research International 89 (6), paper no. 1800009 (7 pages). Open access article download

Keplinger, T., Haider, M., Steinparzer, T., Patrejko, A., Trunner, P., Haselgrübler, M. (2018). Dynamic simulation of an electric arc furnace waste heat recovery system for steam production, Applied Thermal Engineering 135, pp. 188-196.

Leitz, K., O'Sullivan, M., Plankensteiner, A., Lichtenegger, T., Pirker, S., Kestler, H., Sigl, L. (2018). CFD-DEM modelling of particle heating and acceleration in cold spraying, International Journals of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 173, pp. 193-198.

Schneiderbauer, S. (2018). Validation study on spatially averaged two-fluid models for gas-solid flows. I: A-priory analysis of wall bounded flows, AIChE Journal 64 (5), pp. 1591-1605. Open access article download

Schneiderbauer, S. (2018). Validation study on spatially averaged two-fluid models for gas-solid flows. II: Application to risers and bubbling fluidized beds, AIChE Journal 64 (5), pp. 1606-1617. Open access article download

Schneiderbauer, S., Saeedipour, M. (2018). Approximate deconvolution model for the simulation of turbulent gas-solid flows: An a-priory analysis, Physics of Fluid 30 (2), paper no. 023301.

Lichtenegger, T., Pirker, S. (2018). CFD-DEM modelling of strongly polydisperse particulate systems, Powder Technology 325, pp. 698-711.

Queteschiner, D., Lichtenegger, T., Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2018). Coupled resolved and coarse grain DEM models, Particulate Science and Technology 36 (4), pp. 517-522.

Vangö, M., Pirker, S., Lichtenegger, T. (2018). Unresolved CFD-DEM modelling of multiphase flow in densely packed particle beds, Applied Mathematical Modelling 56, pp. 501-516.

Soltanbeigi, B., Podlozhnyuk, A., Papanicolopulos, S., Kloss, C., Pirker, S., Ooi, J. (2018). DEM study of mechanical characteristics of multi-spherical and superquadric particles at micro and macro scales, Powder Technology 329, pp. 288-303.

Lichtenegger, T. (2018). Local and global recurrences  in dynamic gas-solid flows, International Journal of Multiphase Flows 106, pp. 125-137.


Pirker, S. (2017). Time Extrapolation of Multiphase Flow Simulations by Recurrence CFD, 5th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods Fundamentals and Applications (PARTICLES), Hannover (Germany).

Farzad R., Schneiderbauer S., Pirker S. (2017). Hybrid TFM-DPM application in CFD Simulation of Liquid-Liquid Emulsions Drop Size Distribution in Stirred Tank Reactors, 13th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS-13), Brussels (Belgium).

Farzad, R., Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2017). A Eulerian-Lagrangian Hybrid model for the simulation of the drop size distribution of liquid-liquid emulsions in stirred tank reactors, 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE), Barcelona (Spain).

Kinaci, M. E., Lichtenegger, T., Schneiderbauer, S. (2017). Modelling of Chemical Reactions in Metallurgical Processes, 5th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods Fundamentals and Applications (PARTICLES), Hannover (Germany).

Vila, A., Lichtenegger, T., Puttinger, S., Pirker, S. (2017). Investigation of block-like movement in cohesive and non-cohesive spouted bed operations, 5th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods Fundamentals and Applications (PARTICLES), Hannover (Germany).

Pollhammer, W., Spijker, C., Koller, M., Raupenstrauch, H. (2017). Numerical modelling of industrial burners for reduction of NOX emissions using flamelet methods in combination with a newly developed postprocessor for fast and accurate emission prediction, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis (USA).

Cheremesina, E., Schenk, J., Nocke, L., Wimmer, G., Paul, A. (2017). Pure CaO and Lime dissolution rate in steelmaking slags, 3rd ABM week (Associação Brasileira de Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração), São Paulo (Brazil).

Penz, F., Schenk, J., Bundschuh, P., Panhofer, H., Pastucha, K., Maunz, B. (2017). Scrap melting in BOF: Influence of particle surface and size during dynamic converter modelling, 3rd ABM week (Associação Brasileira de Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração), São Paulo (Brazil).

Puttinger, S., Stocker, H., Pirker, S. (2017). Visual raceway blockage detection in a blast furnace – Finding feasible image processing strategies for online monitoring and process control, 11th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing (PSFVIP), Kumamoto (Japan).

Lanzerstorfer, C., Grill, S., Steinwandter, A. (2017). Top-gas cleaning at blast furnaces: comparison of wet and dry systems, 49th International Conference October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy (IOC), Bor Lake (Serbia).

Edler, F., Spijker, C., Raupenstrauch, H., Rieger, J., Geier, B., Reiter, W. (2017). Development of a Computational Fluid Dynamic modelling concept for the Recodust-process, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis (USA).

Lichtenegger, T., Peters, E. A. J. F., Kuipers, J. A. M., Pirker, S. (2017). A recurrence CFD study of heat transfer in a fluidized bed, Chemical Engineering Science 172, pp. 310-322.

Neumayer, M., Bretterklieber, T., Flatscher, M., Puttinger, S. (2017). PCA based state reduction for inverse problems using prior information, COMPEL – The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering  36, pp. 1430-1441.

Edler, F., Geier, B., Reiter, W., Rieger, J., Spijker, C., Raupenstrauch, H. (2917). Development of an atmosphere particle kinetic model for particle reactions in a combustion Flash-Reactor using CFD-methods. Energy Procedia 120, pp. 540-547. Open access article download

Marschall, I., Xia, G., Kölbl, N. (2017). Slag rim formation of two mould powders used for casting of construction steel, Berg- und Huettenmaennische Monatshefte 163 (1), pp. 23-28. Open access article download

Preuler, L., Bernhard, C., Ilie, S., Six, J. (2017). Experimental Investigations on Spray Characteristics of Water-air Nozzles, Berg- und Huettenmaennische Monatshefte 163 (1), pp. 29-36.

Podlozhnyuk, A., Pirker, S., Kloss, C. (2017). Efficient implementation of superquadric particles in Discrete Element Method within an open-source framework. Computational Particle Mechanics 4, pp. 101-118. Open access article download

Lanzerstorfer, C. (2017). Potential of air classification for zinc management in ironmaking. ISIJ International 57 (8), pp. 1484-1489. Open access article download

Cheremisina, E., Schenk, J., Nocke, L., Paul, A., Wimmer, G. (2017). Influence of magnesium oxide content on kinetics of lime dissolution in steelmaking slags. ISIJ International 57 (2), pp. 304-313. Open access article download

Jin, S., Harmuth, H., Gruber, D. (2017). Thermal and thermomechanical evaluations of channel induction furnace applying strong insulation containing lightweight aggregates. Ironmaking & Steelmaking 45 (6), pp. 514-518. Open access article download

Krobath, R., Bernhard, C., Ilie, S., Six, J., Hahn, S. (2017). A new method for the experimental simulation of surface crack formation in continuous casting. La Metallurgia Italiana 4, pp. 5-13. Open access article download

Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S., Puttinger, S., Aguayo, P., Touloupidis, V., Martinez, A. (2017). A Lagrangian-Eulerian hybrid model for the simulation of poly-disperse fluidized beds: Application to industrial-scale olefin polymerization. Powder Technology 316, pp. 697-710.

Schneiderbauer, S. (2017). A spatially-averaged two-fluid model for dense large-scale gas-solid flows. AIChE Journal 63 (8), pp. 3544-3562.

Farzad, R., Puttinger, S., Pirker, S., Schneiderbauer, S. (2017). Investigation of droplet size distribution for liquid-liquid emulsions in Taylor-Couette flows. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 39 (2), pp. 250-258.

Saeedipour, M., Schneiderbauer, S., Plohl, G., Brenn, G., Pirker, S. (2017). Multiscale simulations and experiments on water jet atomization. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 95, pp. 71-83.

Farzad, R., Puttinger, S., Pirker, S., Schneiderbauer, S. (2017). Experimental investigation of liquid-liquid system drop size distribution in Taylor-Couette flow and its application in the CFD simulation. European Physical Journal (EPJ) Web of Conferences 143Open access article download

Bhattacharyya, A., Schenk, J., Schaffer, C., Schadler, S., Schuster, E. (2017). Investigation of the specific surface area and pore structure of blast furnace sinters, 3rd European Steel Technology and Application Days (ESTAD), Vienna (Austria).

Kain-Bückner, B., Mali, H., Schadler, S., Schuster, E. (2017). VisuMet-analysis of iron carriers with Image Processing. Iron Ore "Building Resilience", Perth (Australia).

Edler, F., Geier, B., Reiter, W., Rieger, J., Spijker, C., Raupenstrauch, H. (2017). Development of an atmosphere particle kinetic model for particle reactions in a combustion flash-reactor using CFD-methods. 11th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB), Albufeira (Portugal).

Lanzerstorfer, C., Angerbauer, A., Gaßlbauer, M., Neuhold, R. (2017). Feasibility of air classification of dusts from off-gas de-dusting in the iron and steel industry for increased recycling. 3rd World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical and Material Engineering (MCM 17), Rome (Italy).

Benigni, C., Pichler, C., Antrekowitsch, J. (2017). Zinc oxide from steel mill dust – a wide range of opportunities. 3rd European Steel Technology and Application Days (ESTAD), Vienna (Austria).

Puttinger, S., Stocker, H., Kofler, I., Pirker, S. (2017). A combined data processing approach to improve blast furnace raceway blockage detection. 3rd European Steel Technology and Application Days (ESTAD), Vienna (Austria).

Dorrer, P., Michelic, S., Reiter, J., Klösch, G., Paul, A., Bernhard, C. (2017). Study of clogging deposit build-up in Al-killed and Ca-treated high sulfur steels with focus on the steel / refractory interface. Association for Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition (AISTech), Nashville (USA).

Marschall, I., Xia, G., Harmuth, H. (2017). Slag rim formation of two mold powders used for casting of construction steel. 9th European Continuous Casting Conference (ECCC), Vienna (Austria).

Krobath, R., Bernhard, C. (2017). A new experimental setup for the simulation of surface crack formation in the continuous casting process. Association for Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition (AISTech), Nashville (USA).

Krobath, R., Bernhard, C., Ilie, S., Six, J., Hahn, S., Pennerstorfer, P. (2017). Study on transversal crack formation in Al-killed medium carbon steel by in-situ bending tests. 9th European Continuous Casting Conference (ECCC), Vienna (Austria).

Pollhammer, W., Spijker, C., Raupenstrauch, H. (2017). Modeling of a walking beam furnace using CFD-methods. 11th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB), Albufeira (Portugal).

Bösenhofer, M., Harasek, M., Jordan, C., Feilmayr, C., Hauzenberger, F. (2017). Association for Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition (AISTech), Nashville (USA).

Schneiderbauer, S. (2017). Validation study on spatially averaged two-fluid model for dense gas-solid flows. 12th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology (CFB 12), Krakow (Poland).

Schneiderbauer, S., Kinaci, M., Hauzenberger, F., Pirker S. (2017). A Lagrangian-Eulerian hybrid model for the simulation of direct reduction of iron ore in fluidized beds. 12th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, Trondheim (Norway).

Lichtenegger T., Pirker S. (2017). Extremely fast simulations of heat transfer in fluidized beds. 12th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, Trondheim (Norway).

Queteschiner, D., Lichtenegger, T., Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2017). Adaptive coarse-graining for large-scale DEM simulations. 12th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, Trondheim (Norway).

Kinaci, M., Lichtenegger, T., Schneiderbauer, S. (2017). Modelling of chemical reactions in metallurgical processes. 12th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, Trondheim (Norway).

Vangö, M., Pirker, S., Lichtenegger, T. (2017). CFD-DEM modelling of blast furnace tapping. 12th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, Trondheim (Norway).

Pirker, S., Lichtenegger T. (2017). Recurrence CFD (rCFD) – Why don’t run scale resolved simulations in realtime? 12th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, Trondheim (Norway).

Saeedipour, M., Puttinger, S., Pirker, S. (2017). LES-VOF simulation of turbulent interfacial flow in the continuous casting mold. 12th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries, Trondheim (Norway).


Penz, F. M., Schenk, J., Bundschuh, P., Griessacher, T. (2016). Thermodynamische Modellierung der Schlackenfahrweise in der Sekundärmetallurgie. Schlacken-Symposium 2016:  “Kreislaufwirtschaft stabil weiterentwickeln”, Meitingen (Germany).

Lichtenegger, T., Pirker, S. (2016). Recurrence CFD – A novel approach to simulate multiphase flows with strongly separated time scales. Chemical Engineering Science 153, pp. 394-410.

Schneiderbauer, S., Haider, M., Hauzenberger, F., Pirker, S. (2016). A Lagrangian-Eulerian hybrid model for the simulation of industrial-scale gas-solid cyclones. Powder Technology 304, pp. 229-240.

Benvenuti, L., Kloss, C., Pirker, S. (2016). Identification of DEM simulation parameters by artificial neural networks and bulk experiments. Powder Technology 291, pp. 456-465.

Houben, J.J.H., Weiss, C., Brunnmair, E., Pirker, S. (2016). CFD simulations of pressure drop and velocity field in a cyclone separator with central vortex stabilization rod. Journal of Applied Fluid Dynamics 9 (1), pp. 487-499. Open access article download

Saeedipour, M., Pirker, S., Bozorgi, S., Schneiderbauer, S. (2016). An Eulerian-Lagrangian hybrid model for the coarse-grid simulation of turbulent liquid jet breakup. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 82, pp. 17-26.

Spanlang, A., Weiss, B., Wukovits, W. (2016). Development of a blast furnace model with thermodynamic process depiction by means of the RIST operating diagram. Chemical Engineering Transactions 52, pp. 973-978. Open access article download

Holzinger, G., Pirker, S., Petzold, L. (2016). Simulation of the flotation process in a hybrid cell with the OpenFOAM CFD framework. 12th International Mineral Processing Conference (PROCEMIN) 2016, Santiago (Chile).

Kain-Bückner, B., Mali, H., Schadler, S., Schuster, E. (2016). Quantification of sinter mineral phases with image processing. 7th European Coke and Ironmaking Congress (ECIC), Linz (Austria).

Tsioutsios, N., Weiß, C., Rieger, J., Schadler, S. (2016). Integration of material recycling with emission control in the iron ore sintering process. 11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), Lisbon (Portugal).

Böhm, A., Niranen, K., Allden, E. (2016). 2D versus 3D liberation analysis to characterize intergrowth in LD slags. XXVIII International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC), Québec (Canada).

Lanzerstofer, C. (2016). Mechanical properties of dusts collected from blast furnace dust catchers and cast house dedusting filters, Particulate Science and Technology 34, pp. 366-372.

Marschall, I., Harmuth, H., Yang, Y. (2016). Fundamental investigations for the design of fluorine free mold powder compositions. 10th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts, Seattle (USA).

Pollhammer, W., Spijker, C., Raupenstrauch, H. (2016). Development of a dust dispersion system for investigations on reduced pressure conditions in the 20 liter SIWEK apparatus using OpenFOAM. 11th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosion (ISHPMIE), Dalian (China).

Pollhammer, W., Spijker, C., Raupenstrauch, H. (2016). Numerical investigations on minimum ignition energy and flame propagation in dust/air-mixtures by  using a Lagrangian-model in OpenFOAM. 11th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosion (ISHPMIE) 2016, Dalian (China).

Harasek, M., Maier, C., Jordan, C., Bösenhofer, M., Feilmayr, C. (2016). Investigation of alternative reducing agent conversion in the raceway cavity of blast furnaces by numerical simulation. Association for Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition (AISTech), Pittsburgh (USA).

Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2016). The impact of frictional stresses on the sub-grid modification for gas-solid drag. 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF) 2016, Florence (Italy).

Pirker, S. (2016). Hybrid Eulerian/Lagrangian simulation of agglomeration in gas-solid cyclones. Second International Conference and Exhibition on Powder, Granule and Bulk Solids: Innovations and Applications (PGBSIA) 2016, Jaipur (India).

Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2016). The impact of different fine grid simulations on the sub-grid modification for gas-solid drag. 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF) 2016, Florence (Italy).

Benvenuti, L., Pirker, S. (2016). DEM and artificial neural networks parameters investigation for industrial applications. The 1st CFDEM® project User Group Meeting and Workshop, Linz (Austria).

Pirker, S., Seil, P. (2016). LBDEMcoupling: An efficient open-source approach to resolved simulation of fluid-particle systems. The 1st CFDEM® project User Group Meeting and Workshop, Linz (Austria).

Queteschiner, D. (2016). Coupling different levels of resolution in DEM simulations. 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF) 2016, Florence (Italy).

Lichtenegger, T., Pirker, S., Seil, P. (2016). Resolved fluid-particle simulation of pattern formation in flow of suspensions in square channels. 13th International Conference for Mesoscopic Methods in Engineering and Science (ICMMES), Hamburg (Germany).

Pirker, S., Seil, P. (2016). LBDEMcoupling: Open-source power for fluid-particle systems. 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM), Dalian (China).

Queteschiner, D., Lichtenegger, T., Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2016). Coupling resolved and coarse grain DEM models. Second International Conference and Exhibition on Powder, Granule and Bulk Solids: Innovations and Applications (PGBSIA) 2016, Jaipur (India).

Lichtenegger, T., Pirker, S., Queteschiner, D., Schneiderbauer, S. (2016). Coupling different levels of resolution in DEM simulations. The 1st CFDEM® project User Group Meeting and Workshop, Linz (Austria).

Pirker, S. (2016). Time extrapolation of multiphase CFD – Recurrence CFD. The 1st CFDEM® project User Group Meeting and Workshop, Linz (Austria).

Lichtenegger, T. (2016). Fast simulations of recurrent multiphase flows' long-time behaviour. 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF) 2016, Florence (Italy).

Saeedipour, M., Pirker, S., Schneiderbauer, S. (2016). Multiscale simulation of liquid jet disintegration and primary atomization using Eulerian-Lagrangian coup. 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF) 2016, Florence (Italy).

Pirker, S., Lichtenegger, T. (2016). Towards CFD based process monitoring – Recurrence CFD. VII European Community on Computational Methodsin Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) Congress, Hersonissos (Crete, Greece).

Saeedipour, M., Pirker, S., Schneiderbauer, S. (2016). Multiscale simulation of liquid jet disintegration and primary atomization using Eulerian-Lagrangian coup. 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF), Florence (Italy).

Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2016). The impact of frictional stresses on the sub-grid modification for gas-solid drag. 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF), Florence (Italy).

Lichtenegger, T. (2016). Recurrence CFD: a novel approach to simulate recurrent multiphase flows. 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), Seoul (Korea).

Lichtenegger, T., Pirker, S., Queteschiner, D., Schneiderbauer, S. (2016). Adaptive resolutions in coupled CFD-DEM simulations. 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM), Dalian (China).

Pirker, S., Puttinger, S., Schneiderbauer, S. (2016). Hybrid Eulerian/Lagrangian simulation of agglomeration in gas-solid cyclones. Second International Conference and Exhibition on Powder, Granule and Bulk Solids: Innovations and Applications (PGBSIA), Jaipur (India).

Pirker, S., Lichtenegger, T. (2016). Recurrence CFD – A novel technique to speed-up multiphase simulations. Second International Conference and Exhibition on Powder, Granule and Bulk Solids: Innovations and Applications (PGBSIA), Jaipur (India).

Weiss, B., Spanlang, A., Wukovits, W. (2016). Flow sheet modelling of steel making routes in a process integration platform. 7th European Coke and Ironmaking Congress (ECIC), Linz (Austria).

Puttinger, S., Schuster, E., Stocker, H., Lunglmayer, M., Lang, O., Kofler, I., Pirker, S. (2016). Advanced signal processing of tuyere pressure data to detect reduced hot wind throughput and raceway blockages. 7th European Coke and Ironmaking Congress (ECIC), Linz (Austria).


Huang, A., Harmuth, H., Doletschek, M., Vollmann, S., Feng, X. (2015). Toward CFD modeling of slag entrainment in gas stirred ladles. Steel Research International 86, pp. 1447-1454.

 Schneider, R., Mülleder, M., Zeller, P., Würzinger, P., Reiter, G., Paul, S. (2015). Effects of low frequency alternating currents on the electro-slag remelting process. International Symposium on Liquid Metal Processing and Casting, Leoben (Austria).

Huang, A., Harmuth, H., Doletschek, M. (2015). Slag entrainment in steel ladles impacting refractory wear. United International Technical Conference on Refractories (UNITECR), Vienna (Austria).

Barati, H., Wu, M., Kharicha, A., Ludwig, A. (2015). Assessment of different turbulence models for the motion of non-metallic inclusion in induction crucible furnace. 11th International Symposium on Liquid Metal Processing and Casting (LMPC), Leoben (Austria).

Pirker, S., Puttinger, S., Schneiderbauer, S. (2015). Modelling polydisperse particle laden flows by hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian simulations. 5th UK-China and 13th UK Particle Technology Forum, Leeds (UK).

Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2015). The impact of frictional stresses on the sub-grid modification for gas–solid drag. American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City (USA).

Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S., Sundaresan, S. (2015). The dependence of the effective gas-solid drag in filtered two-fluid models on the subfilter solid turbulence. American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City (USA).


Publikationen 1. und 2. Förderperiode der K1-MET ARGE / Publications 1st and 2nd funding period of K1-MET consortium


Lanzerstorfer, C., Bamberger-Straßmayr, B., Pilz, K. (2015). Recycling of blast furnace dust in the iron ore sintering process: investigation of coke breeze substitution and the influence on offgas emissions. ISIJ International (The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan) 55 (4), pp. 758-764. Open access article download

Lanzerstorfer, C., Xu, Q., Neuhold, R. (2015). Leaching of the residue from the dry offgas dedusting and desulfurization process of an iron ore sinter plant. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 22, pp. 116-121.

Rieger, J., Weiss, C., Rummer, B. (2015). Modelling and control of pollutant formation in blast stoves. Journal of Cleaner Production 88, pp. 254-261.

Jin, S., Harmuth, H., Gruber, D., Rössler, R. (2015). Creep modeling of magnesia – chromite bricks in a RH snorkel during a process cycle. China's Refractories 24, pp. 22-25.

Harmuth, H., Xia, G. (2015). Interaction steel / slag / submerged entry nozzle and its impact on refractory wear – A thermochemical process simulation. ISIJ International (The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan) 55, pp. 775-780. Open access article download

Kollender, J., Voith, M., Schneiderbauer, S., Mardare, A., Hassel, A. (2015). Highly customisable scanning droplet cell microscopes using 3D-printing. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 740, pp. 53-60.

Schneiderbauer, S., Puttinger, S., Pirker, S., Aguayo, P., Kanellopoulos, V. (2015). CFD modelling and simulation of industrial scale olefin polymerization fluidized bed reactors. Chemical Engineering Journal 264, pp. 99-112.

Soleimani, A., Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2015). A comparison among different wall – boundary conditions for Eulerian gas - particle flow. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 71, pp. 94-97.

Fleischanderl, A., Schwelberger, J., Röpke, A. (2015). Recycling of ferrous by-products in DRI plants. METEC & 2nd European Steel Technology and Application Days (ESTAD), Düsseldorf (Germany).

Geier, B., Raupenstrauch, H., Reiter, W., Pilz, K. (2015). Processing of low zinc containing steel mill dusts with the RecoDust process. 6th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking (ICS), Beijing (China).

Geier, B., Raupenstrauch, H., Pilz, K. (2015). Crude zinc production from steel mill dusts with the RecoDust process. European Metallurgical Conference (EMC), Düsseldorf (Germany).

Geier, B., Raupenstrauch, H., Pilz, K. (2015). RecoDust - Process for the recycling of steel mill dusts. METEC & 2nd European Steel Technology and Application Days (ESTAD), Düsseldorf (Germany).

Steinparzer, T., Fillafer, R., Kaltofen, G. (2015). Optimized energy recovery from BOF cooling stack through dynamic simulations. METEC & 2nd European Steel Technology and Application Days (ESTAD), Düsseldorf (Germany).

Marschall, I. (2015). Die Phasenzusammensetzung von Stranggießpulvern und ihre Veränderung mit steigender Temperatur. Stahlwerksausschuss VDEh Fachausschuss physikalische Chemie und metallurgische Verfahrensentwicklung, Düsseldorf (Germany).

Saeedipour, M., Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S., Bozorgi, S. (2015). Prediction of surface porosity defects in high pressure die casting. 144th Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS, Advances in the Science and Engineering of Casting Solidification), Orlando (USA).

Wimmer, G., Pirker, S., Voraberger, B. (2015). New damper system for reduction of AOD vibrations. METEC & 2nd European Steel Technology and Application Days (ESTAD) 2015, Düsseldorf (Germany).

König, B., Puttinger, S., Pirker, S. (2015). Turbulent measurements within a gas stirred three phase bubble with multiple aeration plugs. 6th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Steelmaking (ICS), Beijing (China).

Maier, C., Jordan, C., Harasek, M., Feilmayr, C., Thaler, C. (2015). Numerical analysis of ijection of liquid hydrocarbons, processed waste plastics and pulverized coal into blast furnace raceways. Association for Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition (AISTech) & 7th  International Conference on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking (ICSTI), Cleveland (USA).

Hanel, M., Kain-Bückner, B., Mali, H., Schenk, J., Hauzenberger, F., Thaler, C., Stocker, H. (2015). Chemistry vs. morphology vs. reducibility - some (non-) existing correlations. Association for Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition (AISTech) & 7th International Conference on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking (ICSTI), Cleveland (USA).

Pichler, A., Schenk, J., Hauzenberger, F., Thaler, C., Stocker, H. (2015). Thermochemical modelling of the alkali balance in blast furnaces. Asia Steel International Conference, Yokohama (Japan).

Bhattacharyya, A., Schenk, J., Arth, G., Thaler, C., Stocker, H. (2015). Experimental analysis of the interfacial wetting phenomena between slag and coke surface under simulated conditions of the bosh region of blast furnaces. Association for Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition (AISTech) & 7th  International Conference on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking (ICSTI), Cleveland (USA).

Bhattacharyya, A., Schenk, J., Rantitsch, G., Thaler, C., Stocker, H. (2015). Effect of variable process conditions on the reactivity, strength and structural features of blast furnace cokes. Asia Steel International Conference, Yokohama (Japan).


Rieger, J., Drózd-Rys, M., Weiss, C., Harmuth, H. (2014). Thermochemical wear of refractory linings associated with gas firing in metallurgical plants. Steel Research International 85 (4), pp. 527-536.

Steinparzer, T., Haider, M., Zauner, F., Enickl, G., Horn, A.C., Michele-Naussed, M. (2014). Electric arc furnace offgas heat recovery and experience with a testing plant. Steel Research International 85, pp. 519-526.

Gruber, D., Harmuth, H. (2014). Thermomechanical behaviour of steel ladle linings and the influence of insulations. Steel Research International 85, pp. 512-518.

Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2014). Filtered and heterogeneity based sub-grid modifications for gas-solid drag and solids stresses in bubbling fluidized beds. AIChE Journal (American Institute of Chemical Engineers) 60 (3), pp. 839-854.

Pirker, S., Kahrimanovic, D., Schneiderbauer, S. (2014). Secondary vortex formation in bifurcated submerged entry nozzles: numerical simulation of gas bubble entrapment. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions B 46 (2), pp. 953-960.

Jordan, C., Maier, C., Harsfalvi, Z., Kiss, B., Harasek, M. (2014). Optical and numerical analysis of droplet breakup. Chemical Engineering Transactions 39 pp. 1735-1740. Open access article download

Rantitsch, G., Bhattacharyya, A., Schenk, J., Lündsdorf, N. (2014). Assessing the quality of metallurgical coke by Raman spectroscopy. International Journal of Coal Geology 130, pp. 1-7.

Bhattacharyya, A., Schenk, J., Rantitsch, G., Thaler, C., Stocker, H. (2014). Effect of alkaline elements on the reactivity, strength and structural properties of blast furnace cokes. Journal Metalurgija 54 (3), pp. 503-506. Open access article download

Mohan, B., Kloss, C., Khinast, J.,  Radl, S. (2014). Regimes of liquid transport through sheared beds of inertial smooth particles. Journal of Powder Technology 264, pp. 377-395.

Paar, A., Schneider, R., Zeller, P., Reiter, G., Paul, S., Würzinger, P. (2014). Effect of electrical parameters on type and content of non-metallic inclusions after electro-slag-remelting. Steel Research International 85 (4), pp. 570-578.

Lytvynyuk, Y., Schenk, J., Hiebler, M., Sormann, A. (2014). Thermodynamic and kinetic model of the converter steelmaking process. Part 1: The description of the BOF model. Steel Research International 85 (4), pp. 537-543.

Lytvynyuk, Y., Schenk, J., Hiebler, M., Sormann, A. (2014). Thermodynamic and kinetic model of the converter steelmaking process. art 2: The model validation. Steel Research International 85 (4), pp. 544-563.

Goriupp, J., Schenk, J., Panhofer, J., Klösch, G., Hiebler, M. (2014). Thermochemical calculation of the quaternary CaO - SiO2 - Al2O3 - MgO system at 1600 °C for predicting the MgO - saturation and MgO - MgO * Al2O3 equilibrium of secondary metallurgical slag. Steel Research International 85 (4), pp. 564-569.

Harmuth, H., Vollmann, S. (2014). Refractory corrosion by dissolution in slags – Challenges and trends of present fundamental research. 10th India International Refractories Congress (IREFCON), Kolkata (India).

Huang, A., Vollmann, S., Harmuth, H. (2014). Mathematical modelling of slag entrainment in a gas stirred ladle by LES. 10th India International Refractories Congress (IREFCON), Kolkata (India).

Harmuth, H., Xia, G. (2014). Change of mold slag composition during slab casting of steel with high Al content. 8th European Continuous Casting Conference (ECCC), Graz (Austria).

Kircher, V., Marschall, I., Kölbl, N., Harmuth, H. (2014). Impact of an increase of Al2O3, TiO2 and ZrO2 on mold slag properties. 8th European Continuous Casting Conference (ECCC), Graz (Austria).

Saeedipour, M., Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S., Bozorgi, S. (2014). A numerical and experimental study of flow behavior in high pressure die casting. 143rd Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS, Magnesium Technology), San Diego (USA).

Schiochet Nasato, D., Goniva, C., Pirker, S., Kloss, C. (2014). Coarse graining for large-scale DEM simulations of particle flow - an investigation on contact and cohesion models. 7th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT), Beijing (China).

Pirker, S., Seil, S., Puttinger, S., Schneiderbauer, S. (2014). Multi-scale modelling of turbulent flows by embedded Lattice Boltzmann co-simulation. 10th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries (CFD), Trondheim (Norway).

Pirker, S., Seil, P., Tumfart, M. (2014). Numerical simulation of secondary flow instabilities in submerged entry nozzle (SEN) flow. 8th European Continuous Casting Conference (ECCC), Graz (Austria).

Seil, P., Kloss, C., Latt, J., Pirker, S. (2014). LBDEM coupling: a tool for efficient coupled simulation of fluid particle systems. 11th International Confernce for Mesocopic Methods in Engineering and Science (ICMMES), New York City (USA).

Saeedipour, M., Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S., Bozorgi, S. (2014). Numerical simulation of turbulent liquid jet breakup using a sub-grid  criterion with industrial application. 26th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS), Bremen (Germany).

König, B., Puttinger, S., Pirker, S (2014). Mehrskalen Untersuchung turbulenter Parameter in einer Blasensäule mithilfe optischer Separation mehrerer Laserschnitte. Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik. Konferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser - Anemometrie, Karlsruhe (Germany).

Pirker, S., Schiochet Nasato, D., Benvenuti, L., Kloss, C., Schneiderbauer, S. (2014). Simulation partikelbeladener Strömungen: Diskrete, kontinuierliche und hybride Modellierungsansätze. 33. Hagener Syposium Pulvermetallurgie, Hagen (Deutschland).

Barna, M., Willers, B., Javurek, M., Reiter, J., Eckert, S. (2014). Investigations of the liquid steel flow in slab casters with electromagnetic brakes and bloom casters with electromagnetic stirring. 8th European Continuous Casting Conference 2014 (ECCC), Graz (Austria).

Holzinger, G., Wierink, G., Pirker, S. (2014). Towards simulating flotation with OpenFOAM. 10th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries (CFD), Trondheim (Norway).

Maier, C., Jordan, C., Harasek, M., Feilmayr, C., Thaler, C. (2014). CFD modeling study of the blast furnace raceway with direct injection of auxiliary reducing agents. Association for Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition (AISTech), Indianapolis (USA).

Maier, C., Jordan, C., Harasek, M., Feilmayr, C., Thaler, C. (2014). Multi-scale modeling of hydrocarbon injection into the blast furnace raceway. 10th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries (CFD), Trondheim (Norway).

Maier, C., Jordan, C., Harasek, M., Feilmayr, C., Thaler, C. (2014). CFD simulation of the blast furnace process: injection of heavy oil and plastic particles into the raceway. Association for Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition (AISTech), Pittsburgh (USA).

Holzinger, G., Pirker, S. (2014). Dynamic flow behaviour of a rectangular bubble column. 8th International OpenFoam Workshop, Jeju (Korea).

Kain-Bückner, B., Mali, H., Schenk, J., Hauzenberger, F., Thaler, C., Stocker, H. (2014). Image analysis for evaluation of iron ore carriers. 14th Internationale Metallographie-Tagung Leoben (Austria).

Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2014). Filtered sub - grid modifications for gas-solid drag and solid stresses in fluidized beds. 11th Conference on Fluidized Bed Technologies, Beijing (China).

Puttinger, S., Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2014). Unstable segregation in fluidized beds. 11th Conference on Fluidized Bed Technologies, Beijing (China).

Schneiderbauer, S., Puttinger, S., von Berg, L., Pirker, S. (2014). Inhomogeneous segregation in fluidized beds. 7th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT), Beijing (China).

Kloss, C., Goniva, C. (2014). Open source DEM and CFD-DEM: A variety of applications across industries and fields of science. 7th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT), Beijing (China).

Schneiderbauer, S., Puttinger, S., Pirker, S. (2014). Numerical study of a  bi-disperse gas-solid fluidized bed using an Eulerian and Lagrangian hybrid model. 7th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT), Beijing (China).

Benvenuti, L., Queteschiner, D., Pirker, S., Kloss, C. (2014). Establishing predictive capability of DEM simulations: sliding and rolling friction coefficient of non-spherical particles. 10th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries (CFD), Trondheim (Norway).

Schneiderbauer, S., Puttinger, S., Pirker, S. (2014). Hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian modelling of bi-disperse fluidized beds. 10th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries (CFD), Trondheim (Norway).

Radl, S., Capa Gonzales, B., Goniva, C., Pirker, S. (2014). State of the art in mapping schemes for dilute and dense Euler Lagrange simulations. 10th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries (CFD), Trondheim (Norway).

Soleimani, A., Pirker, S., Schneiderbauer, S. (2014). Numerical study of the gas particle flow in a conveying line: accounting for wallfriction and wall roughness. 10th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Oil & Gas, Metallurgical and Process Industries (CFD), Trondheim (Norway).


Marschall, I., Kölbl, N., Harmuth, H., Xia, G. (2013). Investigation of continuous casting slag films sampled on site and comparison with laboratory results. Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production 13, pp. 103-114.

Schellander, D., Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2013). Numerical study of dilute and dense poly - dispersed gas - solid two - phase flows using an Eulerian and Lagrangian hybrid model. Chemical Engineering Science 95, pp. 107-118.

Goniva, C., Varga, M., Adam, K., Badisch, E. (2013). Combined experimental and numerical approach for wear predicition in feed pipes. Tribology International 65, pp. 200-206.

Schneiderbauer, S., Saeedipour, M., Pirker, S., Chimani, C. (2013). Analytische, numerische und experimentelle Untersuchungen des Druckguss-Prozesses. Lightweight Design 6 (5), pp. 58-63.

Schneiderbauer, S., Puttinger, S., Pirker, S. (2013). Comparative analysis of sub - grid drag modifications for dense gas - particle flows in bubbling fluidized beds. AIChE Journal (American Institute of Chemical Engineers) 59 (11), pp. 4077-4099.

Maier, C., Jordan, C., Harasek, M., Feilmayr, C., Thaler, C. (2013). Investigation of alternative reducing agent injection into the raceway of blast furnaces using CFD. Chemical Engineering Transactions 35, pp. 1345-1350. Open access article download

Puttinger, S., Holzinger, G., Pirker, S. (2013). Investigation of highly laden particle jet dispersion by use of high - speed camera and parameter independent image analysis. Journal of Powder Technology 234, pp. 46-57.

Kofler, I., Fleischanderl, A., Neuhold, R., Moser, M. (2013). Innovative solutions on recycling of oxide fines and waste materials. China Symposium, Chongqing (China).

Kofler, I., Fleischanderl, A., Neuhold, R., Moser, M. (2013). Innovative solutions on recycling of oxide fines and waste materials. 43rd Ironmaking and Raw Materials Seminar & 14th Brazilian Symposium on Iron Ore, Belo Horizonte (Brazil).

Doletschek, M., Harmuth, H., Pirker, S. (2013). The role of turbulence modelling in picturing gas stirred steel ladle flow. The 5th International Conference (STEELSIM), Ostrava (Czech Republic).

Huang, A., Vollmann, S., Harmuth, H. (2013). Towards modelling of slag entrainment in gas stirred ladles by LES. The 5th International Conference (STEELSIM), Ostrava (Czech Republic).

Vollmann, S., Harmuth, H. (2013). Marangoni convection as a contribution to refractory corrosion - CFD simulation and analytical approaches. Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories (UNITECR), Victoria (Canada).

Harmuth, H., Kircher, V., Kölbl, N., Antczak, M., Xia, G. (2013). Main Mechanism of SEN Slag Band corrosion as obserevd by post mortem investigations. Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories (UNITECR), Victoria (Canada).

Drózd-Rys, M., Harmuth, H., Rössler, R. (2013). Simualtion of the steel ladle preheating process. Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories (UNITECR), Victoria (Canada).

Schneiderbauer, S., Puttinger, S., Pirker, S. (2013). Verification of sub - grid drag modifications for dense gas - particle flows in bubbling fluidized beds. 14th International Conference on Fluidization (FLUIDIZATION XIV), Noordwijkerhout (The Netherlands).

Pirker, S., Puttinger, S., Schellander, D., Schneiderbauer, S. (2013). Picturing particle laden flows by hybrid - finite volume and Lattice Boltzmann based - simulations. 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Jeju (Korea).

Schneiderbauer, S., Puttinger, S., Pirker, S. (2013). Validation of sub - grid modifications for dense gas - particle flows in case of a pseudo - 2D bubbling fluidized bed. 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Jeju (Korea).

Grohs, C., Plankensteiner, A., Schiochet Nasato, D., Kloss, C. (2013). Numerical simulation of refractory metals and cemented carbides in the regime of powder filling and powder transfer. 18th Plansee Seminar, Reutte (Austria).

Puttinger, S., von Berg, L., Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2013). Bed zone and flow regime detection in spout - operated fluidized beds by digital image processing and pressure probes. 8th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Lisbon (Portugal).

Puttinger, S., Pirker, S., Stocker, H., Schuster, E. (2013). Experiments and simulations of alternative lance tips for pulverised coal injection (PCI). The 5th International Conference STEELSIM, Ostrava (Czech Republic).

Aigner, A., Schneiderbauer, S., Kloss, C., Pirker, S (2013). Determining the coefficient of friction by shear tester simulation. 3rd International Conference on Particle - Based Methods (PARTICLES), Stuttgart (Germany).

Schiochet Nasato, D., Goniva, C., König, B., Pirker, S., Kloss, C. (2013). DIE Filling Process Simulation Using Discrete Element Method (DEM). 3rd International Conference on Particle - Based Methods (PARTICLES), Stuttgart (Germany).

Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2013). Modeling of sub - grid heterogeneity of gas - solid suspension in bubbling fluidized beds. American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, San Francisco (USA).

Holzinger, G., Pirker, S. (2013). Analytical considerations and numerical simulations of counter current columnar flotation. 9th International Mineral Processing Conference, Santiago (Chile).

Willers B., Timmel K., Eckert S., Gerbeth G. (2013). Flow measurements in a continuous steel casting model using low temperature liquid metal. The 5th International Conference STEELSIM, Ostrava (Czech Republic).

Goniva, C., Kerbl, J., Pirker, S., Kloss, C. (2013). Modelling spray particle interaction by a coupled CFD-DEM method. Computational Modelling, Cornwall (UK).

Hager, A., Doppelhammer, N., Kloss, C., Pirker, S., Goniva, C. (2013). On the formation of blast furnace raceways - a combined experimental and open source CFD-DEM investigation. Computational Modelling, Cornwall (UK).

Kloss, C., Goniva, C., Pirker, S. (2013). Application-driven development of open source simulation technology: An overview of DEM and CFD-DEM models and their applications. 6th International Conference Discrete Element Methods, Golden (USA).

Berger, R., Kohlmeyer, A., Kloss, C. (2013). Toward parallelization of LIGGGHTS granular force kernels with OpenMP. 6th International Conference Discrete Element Methods, Golden (USA).

Amberger, S., Pirker, S., Kloss, C. (2013). Thermal radiation modeling using ray tracing in LIGGGHTS. 6th International Conference Discrete Element Methods, Golden (USA).

Aigner, A., Schneiderbauer, S., Kloss, C., Pirker, S. (2013). Comparison of simulation and experimental results of a simplified Jenike shear tester. 6th International Conference Discrete Element Methods, Golden (USA).

Paar, A., Schneider, R., Zeller, P., Reiter, G., Paul, S., Siller, I., Würzinger, P. (2013). Influence of the polarity on the cleanliness level and the inclusion types in the ESR process. International Symposium on Liquid Metal Processing and Casting (LMPC), Austin (USA).


Pirker, S., Aigner, A., Wimmer, G. (2012). Experimental and numerical investigation of sloshing resonance phenomena in a spring - mounted rectangular tank. Chemical Engineering Science 68, pp. 143-150.

Goniva, C., Kloß, C., Katterfeld, A. (2012). Simulation of wear and dust emission at a transfer chute. Cement International 10, pp. 2-9.

Pirker, S., Goniva, C., Kloss, C., Puttinger, S., Houben, J.J.H., Schneiderbauer, S. (2012). Application of a hybrid Lattice Boltzmann - Finite Volume turbulence model to cyclone short - cut flow. Journal of Powder Technology 235, pp. 572-580.

Maier, C., Jordan, C., Harasek, M., Feilmayr, C., Thaler, C. (2012). Implementation and validation of a three - dimensional multiphase CFD - model for blast furnace processes. Chemical Engineering Transactions 29, pp. 925-930. Open access article download

Nagy, J., Horvath, A., Jordan, C., Harasek, M. (2012). Turbulent phenomena in the aerobreakup of liquid droplets. CFD Letters 4 (3), pp. 112-126. Open access article download

Schneiderbauer, S., Schellander, D., Löderer, A., Pirker, S. (2012). Non-steady boundary conditions for collisional granular flows at frictional walls. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 43, pp. 149-156.

Schneiderbauer, S., Aigner, A., Pirker, S. (2012). A comprehensive frictional kinetic model for gas - particle flows: Analysis of fluidized and moving bed regimes. Chemical Engineering Science 80, pp. 279-292.

Goniva, C., Kloss, C., Deen, N.G., Kuipers, J.A.M., Pirker, S. (2012). Influence of rolling friction modelling on single spout fluidized bed simulations. Particuology 10 (5), pp. 582-591.

Kloss, C., Goniva, C., Hager, A., Amberger, A., Pirker, S. (2012). Models, algorithms and validation for open - scource DEM and CFD-DEM. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics: An International Journal 12, pp. 140-152.

Weiss, C., Rieger, J., Rummer, B (2012). Formation and control of nitrogen oxide NO in the heating system of a coke oven. Environmental Engineering Science 29 (7), pp. 555-562.

Öfner, W., Böhm, A. (2012). Characterisation of dusty residues from production processes in order to enable their utilisation. XXVI International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC), New Delhi (India).

Steinparzer, T., Haider, M., Fleischanderl, A., Hampel, A., Enickl, G., Zauner, F. (2012). Heat exchangers and thermal energy storage concepts for the offgas heat of steelmaking devices. 6th European Thermal Sciences Conference (Eurotherm), Poitiers (France).

Steinparzer, T., Haider, M., Zauner, F., Fleischanderl, A., Enickl, G. (2012). Efficient energy recovery from electric arc furnace offgas. 30th International Steel Industry Conference, Paris (France).

Harmuth, H., Kölbl, N., Rollinger, B., Xia, G. (2012). Corrosion mechanisms of SEN slagband materials. The 6th International Symposium on Refractories, Zhengzhou (China). 

Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2012). CFD study of a single - spout pseudo - 2D bed: the impact of the solids wall boundary conditions. 9th  World of Scientific and Engineering  Academic Society (WSEAS) International Conference on Fluid Mechanics (FLUIDS), Harvard (USA).

Kahrimanovic, D., Puttinger, S., Aichinger, G., Pirker, S. (2012). Minimizing pressure drop in cyclone separators - measurements and numerical simulations. 11th World Filtration Congress & Exhibition, Graz (Austria).

Schellander, D., Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2012). The poly - disperse hybrid - model EUGRAN + simulating particle agglomeration, separation and filtration. 11th World Filtration Congress & Exhibition, Graz (Austria).

Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2012). A frictional - kinetic model for dilute to dense gas - particle flows. China Symposium, Chongqing (China).

Schellander, D., Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2012). Studies of agglomerating, poly - dispersed gas - solid two - phase flows using the EUGRAN + POLY model. 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), Vienna (Austria).

Schneiderbauer, S., Puttinger, S., Pirker, S., Chimani, C., Kretz, R. (2012). Analytische, numerische und experimentelle Untersuchungen des Druckguss-Prozesses. 7. Ranshofner Leichtmetalltage, Gmunden (Austria).

Schneiderbauer, S., Schellander, D., Pirker, S. (2012). A filtered frictional - kinetic model for gas - solid fluidized and moving beds. 9th International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries (CSIRO), Melbourne (Australia).

Schellander, D., Schneiderbauer, S., Pirker, S. (2012). Numerical study of agglomeration modeling in polydispersed gas - solid flows with respect to particle separation. 9th International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries (CSIRO), Melbourne (Australia).

Hager, A., Kloß, C., Pirker, S., Goniva, C.(2012). Parallel Open Source CFD - DEM for Resolved Particle - Fluid Interaction. 9th International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries (CSIRO), Melbourne (Australia).

Barna, M. (2012). Numerical simulations of electromagnetic flow controls for the continuous casting process of steel. 13th Mechatronics Forum International Conference, Linz (Austria).

Pirker, S., Kloss, C., Goniva, C., Seil, P., Puttinger, S., Schneiderbauer, S. (2012). Locally resolving large scale turbulent structures by a hybrid - Lattice Boltzmann and Finite Volume - turbulence model. 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), Vienna (Austria).

Pirker, S. (2012). Modelling particle laden flows by hybrid model approaches. 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), Vienna (Austria).

Nagy, J., Harasek, M. (2012). Investigation of the aerobreakup of a liquid droplet at high weber number with different turbulence models. 5th International Conference from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering (IC-SCCE), Athens (Greece).

Maier, C., Jordan, C., Harasek, M., Feilmayr, C., Thaler, C. (2012). Development and validation of a CFD-model for heterogeneous transfer phenomena in blast furnace processes. 5th International Conference from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering (IC-SCCE), Athens (Greece).

Spuida B., Mali H. (2012). Computer vision analysis as a means of reduction property assessment for iron ores, sinters and pellets. Asia Steel International Conference, Beijing (China).

Amberger, S., Friedl, M., Goniva, C., Pirker, S., Kloss, C. (2012). Appoximation of objects by spheres for multisphere simulations in DEM. 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), Vienna (Austria).

Seil, P., Ortega, J., Pirker, S., Kloss, C. (2012). Numerical and experimental studies on segregation patterns in granular flow. 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), Vienna (Austria).

Goniva, C., Wierink, G., Heiskanen, K., Pirker, S., Kloss, C. (2012). Modelling three - phase flows in metallurgical processes. 9th International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries (CSIRO), Melbourne (Australia).


Vollmann, S., Harmuth, H. (2010). Investigation of the rotary slagging test by computational fluid dynamics. Journal of the Technical Association of Refractories Japan 30, pp. 10-18.

Jordan C., Harasek M., Zauner F., Kirchbacher F., Feilmayr C., Schuster S. (2010). CFD analysis of injection of heavy fuel oil and plastic particles into a blast furnace raceway - estimation of droplet size distribution. Chemical Engineering Transactions 21, pp. 1087-1092. Open access article downolad

Pirker, S. (2010). Towards efficient modelling of slag entrainment during metallurgical processes. Steel Research International 81 (8), pp. 623-629.

Javurek, M., Thumfart, M., Wincor, R. (2010). Investigations on flow pattern and pressure inside SEN below stopper rod. Steel Research International 81, pp. 668-674.

Pirker, S., Kahrimanovic, D., Goniva, C. (2010). Improving the applicability of discrete phase simulations by smoothening their exchange Fields. Applied Mathematical Modelling 35, pp. 2479-2488.

Jordan, C., Harasek, M., Maier, C., Aichinger, G., Feilmayr, C., Schuster, S. (2010). CFD Simulation of co-Injection of plastic particles and oil into a blast furnace raceway. Association for Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition (AISTech), Pittsburgh (USA).

Jordan C., Harasek M., El-Gohari A., Feilmayr C., Schuster S. (2010). Combined injection of plastic particles and heavy fuel oil into a blast furnace raceway – detailed CFD analysis. European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECCOMAS), Lisbon (Portugal).


Kahrimanovic, D., Kloss, C., Aichinger, G., Pirker, S. (2009). Numerical study and experimental validation of particle strand formation. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal 9, pp. 383-392.

Pirker, S., Kahrimanovic, D., Aichinger, G. (2009). Modelling mass loading effects in industrial cyclones by a combined Eulerian-Lagrangian approach. Acta Mechanica 204 (3-4), pp. 203-216.

Odenthal, H.-J., Javurek, M., Kirschen, M., Vogl, N. (2010). CFD benchmark for a single strand tundish (Part I). Steel Research International 80, pp. 264-274.

Pirker, S., Lechner, M., Ernst, G. (2009). Numerical simulation and experimental validation of slag entrainment during tundish draining. International Journal of Cast Metals Research 22 (1-4), pp. 244-247.

Hauzenberger, F., Pirker, S. (2009). Simulation of gas / liquid flowing through a packed bed. The 3rd International Conference of Simulation and Modelling Processes in Steelmaking (STEELSIM), Leoben (Austria). 

Melcher, F. (2009). Corrosion mechanisms of magnesia chromite bricks in contact with secondary steelmaking slag. Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories (UNITECR), Salvador (Brazil).

Voglsam, S., Winter, F. (2009). Laboratory-scale pressurized fluidized bed reactor for studying reaction kinetics of iron ore fines with H2- and CO-rich gases. World Forum and Leading Show for the Process Industries (ACHEMA Ausstellungstagung für chemisches Apparatewesen), Frankfurt (Germany).

Fleischanderl, A., Hötzinger, S. (2009). New developments to achieve environmentally friendly sinter production. Association for Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition (AISTech), St. Louis (USA).

Fleischanderl, A., Hötzinger, S. (2009). Siemens VAI selective waste gas recirculatron system. Association for Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition (AISTech), St. Louis (USA).

Dobay, F. (2009). Flash reactor process for the recovery of dusts containing zinc. American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Nashville (USA).

Javurek, M., Wincor, R. (2009). Flow pattern inside SEN below stopper rod: influence of turbulence models. The 3rd International Conference of Simulation and Modelling Processes in Steelmaking (STEELSIM), Leoben (Austria).

Pirker, S., Reiter, J., Ernst., G. (2009). Sharpening the modelling of slag entrainment during tundish pouring. The 3rd International Conference of Simulation and Modelling Processes in Steelmaking (STEELSIM), Leoben (Austria).(2009).

Pirker, S., Egger, M. (2009). Modelling steel de-sulphurization by lime powder injection. The 3rd International Conference of Simulation and Modelling Processes in Steelmaking (STEELSIM), Leoben (Austria).

Barna, M., Javurek, M., Reiter, J., Lechner, M. (2009). Numerical simulations of mould electromagnetic stirring for round bloom strands. The 3rd International Conference of Simulation and Modelling Processes in Steelmaking (STEELSIM), Leoben (Austria).