ACHEMA 2024, 7 June 2024, Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
General project information by GIG Karasek
“ZEUS – Zero Emissions through Sector Coupling”

ASMET Forum, 16 May 2024, Leoben (Austria)
Presentation by M. Derntl
“ZEUS – Zero Emissions through Sector Coupling”

Branchentag Wasserstoff, 24 April 2024, Vienna (Austria)
Presentation by I. Kofler
“ZEUS – Zero Emissions through Sector Coupling”

CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024, 17 April 2024, Koeln (Germany)
Presentation by GIG Karasek
“ECO2Cell – Pioneering Modular Syngas Production”


Kick-off meeting of the ZEUS project, 19 October 2023, Ars Electronica Center Linz (Austria)

The ZEUS lead project demonstrates green hydrogen production and the recycling of renewable gases or liquid hydrocarbons in an industrial environment. Well-known partners from the energy sector, industry and research will advance the implementation of the European climate goals and the national hydrogen strategy in the period from 2023 to 2027. K1-MET GmbH is the consortium leader.

At the kick-off meeting the first work steps were discussed. Topics such as timetable, project management, communication, and the different work packages were presented.

Thanks to all partners for their participation and lively discussion!

Further information about the event is available under our News.

4th Hydrogen Industry Day – “NEW HORIZONS”, 16 October 2023, TUEV SUED Industrie Service GmbH in Munich (Germany)
Presentation by Ms. I. Kofler
“Renewable energy meets future steelmaking” 
Further information about the event is available under our News

ESTEP Conference 2023 – A Circular Economy driven by the European Steel, 3 – 5 October 2023, Barcelona (Spain)
Presentation by Ms. I. Kofler and Mr. M. Derntl
“Pilot demonstration of carbon capture and utilization technology to close the carbon cycle in the steel industry”
Further information about the event is available under our News