Project ECO2LIFE
Extended COnverter LIFEtime utilizing novel sensor systems, data analyses and simulations for green steel production
Overall approach
Even though there is a move towards EAF based steelmaking in Europe, the conventional route with blast furnace and basic oxygen furnace (BOF) will remain an essential part in steel production for the foreseeable future. Improvements to increase the resource efficiency of the BOF process and the longevity of the BOF Converter vessel will be an important contribution to the EU climate actions.
ECO2LIFE will contribute towards understanding the root causes of refractory wear in converter vessels as well as identify key factors in the mechanisms leading to a sudden collapse of the refractory.
This is done by combining novel measurement techniques on the converter exterior with cutting edge simulations of the refractory wear inside the vessel. Ultimately, the project aims to extend the BOF converter lifetime by preventing premature failure of the lining and steel shell.
The overall goals of this 36-months long project are:
- Introduction of novel sensor technologies to monitor the converter shell
- Creation of accurate simulations of converter lining wear at different stages of the vessel campaign
- Improved data analysis for optical surface measurements of the converter interior
- Identification of failure mechanisms of upper cone collapse
1 February 2024 – 31 January 2027
Call: “Produktion und Material 2023 national” Ausschreibungsschwerpunkt Industrie 4.0: Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Ertüchtigung bestehender Produktionsanlagen zu Cyber-Physikalischen Systemen (Subschwerpunkt 1.1), Project # 50647011
Granting authority: FFG
Beginning with the project coordination, the consortium is composed as follows: