7th Scientific Exchange Day 2016

The 7th Scientific Exchange Day of K1-MET was held at the Montanuniversität Leoben on March 3rd 2016. The Scientific Exchange Day (SED) is an annual held conference, which brings together researcher and industrial partners of the K1-MET programme for discussion and networking. With an overall number of 129 participants this year, we reached the highest number of registrants ever for this successful conference series.

The morning programme consisted of presentations covering one success story for each of our four Research Areas summarizing the latest research highlights.The Chairman was Prof. (emeritus) Dr. Werner Kepplinger (scientific advisory board member of K1-MET).

Dipl.-Ing. Birgit Kain-Bückner (researcher with K1-MET) presented the contribution from Research Area (RA) 1 summarizing the progress of Project 1.1 on sinter optimisation.The title of the talk was “VisuMet - Analysis of iron carriers with image processing”. The activities in this work package focus on the analysis of microscopic sinter grinding probes with the help of the software programme VisuMet. This tool performs automated visual detection of the metal and mineral phase fractions of the final sinter product.

Prof. Dr. Reinhold Schneider (professor at the University of Applied Sciences - Upper Austria, campus Wels) introduced a success story of RA 2. Prof. Schneider’s presentation was titled “Variation of non-metallic inclusion by ESR” and covered the status of Project 2.3 of the same name.The research work in Project 2.3 investigates and evaluates non-metallic inclusions (NMI) and their effects on the material properties of steel. With the help of the Electro Slag Remelting (ESR) process the NMI content and composition can be controlled efficiently for the production of high grade steels.

Dr. Christoph Spijker (senior scientist at the Montanuniversität Leoben) presented the RA 3 contribution from Project 3.4 on Energy Systems. The presentation entitled “Combustion reaction modelling of burners for industrial kilns” and contained a summary of the research work from the previous programme as well as an outlook of the planned activities within Project 3.4. The focus of the presented work package will be on further development of industrial furnace systems to optimize energy efficiency and reduce pollutant emission reduction.

The success story of RA 4 bundled status and outlook of Projects 4.1 Simulation Platform, 4.2 Bulk solid models, 4.3 Discrete particle models and 4.4 Liquid melt models. This presentation titled “Numerical modelling of industrial steelmaking” and was presented by Dr. Simon Schneiderbauer (senior scientist at the Johannes Kepler Universität Linz). A central aim of the projects in RA 4 is to apply metallurgical models to industrial practice.

The afternoon session of the 7th SED was entitled “Efficient use of metallurgical raw materials and by-products”. The Chairman was Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Deike (University of Duisburg-Essen, scientific advisory board member of K1-MET).

Dr. Alfred Maier (Montanuniversität Leoben) presented the first contribution, titled “Wissenswertes zum KIC EIT RawMaterials”.The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is part of the EU Horizon2020 programme. It consists of several Knowledge Innovation Centres (KIC), representing partially funded research platforms. One of the KIC’s is named “EIT RawMaterials” and focusses on sustainable raw material supply and closing of raw material market cycles. This should be achieved by means of fundamental research activities as well as a development of new industrial processes and solutions for material exploration, treatment and recycling.

Dipl.-Ing. Anton Pichler (Montanuniversität Leoben) introduced a study as a part of the KIC EIT RawMaterials mentioned above. The title of this presentation was “KIC RawMaterials - Iron Balance Austria”. The aim of the study was to analyse and model a mass balance of iron flow into steel production including the scrap consumption in Austria based on the year 2010. 

The next contribution was a presentation of SCHOLZ Austria GmbH becoming a new company partner in K1-MET Project 1.3 (Steelmaking slag and product development). SCHOLZ Austria GmbH is a worldwide operating company in the market segment of recycling of end-of-life vehicles and electronic scrap. Mag. Walter Martinelli, head of product development at SCHOLZ Austria, gave an overview of the organizational structure and the service portfolio of the company.The title of this presentation was “SCHOLZ Austria GmbH - ein Unternehmen der Recyclingwirtschaft”.

The 7th SED was concluded with a presentation by Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Bürgler (CEO of K1-MET GmbH and Head of R&D Ironmaking at voestalpine Stahl GmbH). The title of Mr. Bürgler’s presentation was “Themenschwerpunkte für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten bei voestalpine Stahl (Linz) in Zusammenarbeit mit MUL und K1-MET”.

Compared to earlier SEDs, a new element of the 7th SED was that students from all partner universities were invited to participate. In the end, 30 students from the Montanuniversität Leoben joined this event and Mr. Bürgler presented topics for latest academic projects in the fields of raw iron technology and steel plant operation. During the closing event students were given the opportunity to further discuss with Mr. Bürgler and other representatives of voestalpine Stahl GmbH.

The executive board of K1-MET would like to thank the Montanuniversität Leoben for providing the location, all presenters for their contributions and Prof. Dr. Deike and Prof. (emeritus) Dr. Kepplinger for chairing the sessions.

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