K1-MET will take part in exciting events in April

K1-MET will take part in exciting events on the topics of sustainable steelmaking and hydrogen in April:

10 April 2024, ISEC Conference in Graz
Programme: https://www.aee-intec-events.at/images/aeeintecevents/events/ISEC_2024/ISEC_program.pdf
Contribution of Michael Zarl: “Forging the Future: Innovations in Sustainable Steelmaking”

24 April 2024, 6th Hydrogen Industry Day in Vienna
Programme: https://www.branchentag-wasserstoff.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Programm-BT-H2Wien-2024-Stand-28.03.2024.pdf
Contribution of Irmela Kofler: “ZEUS – Zero Emissions through Sector coupling”

25 April 2024, “Energiecamp Holzwelt Murau” in Murau
Programme: https://energiecamp.at/test/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Programm_EC24.pdf
Contribution of Johannes Rieger: “Wie gelingt klimaneutrale Stahlherstellung mit Wasserstoff?”

We are looking forward to your participation and an inspiring exchange!