Award for an educational video series with Irmela Kofler

The video series “Wissenschaft entdecken – Einblicke, Hintergruende, Perspektiven” has just been awarded the “Comenius EduMedia Siegel 2024” – one of the most prestigious European recognitions for outstanding didactic and media quality in educational media production.

In this video series, Irmela Kofler from K1-MET explained to 10 to 14-year-old secondary students in Austrian middle schools how scientists develop solutions to scientific problems. The focus was on natural sciences, technical chemistry and the solution of scientific research questions. It was not published but was only intended for use in secondary schools.

This award is a wonderful acknowledgment of the dedication and effort of all who have passionately worked to present education and science in an inspiring way.

Thanks to “Das Filmbuero”!